Artificial intelligence has been the subject of debate in recent times and consists of a machine’s ability to reproduce human skills, such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity. Artificial intelligence systems can even adapt their behavior, taking into account previous events, and SIC is already resorting to this technology in some of its formats.
We were in June last year when SIC and Expresso approved a letter of principles for the use of artificial intelligence.
This means that both SIC and Express have become resorted to this technology to assist them in performing various tasks, however, the letter of principles “lists a set of norms and practices to be respectful in the exercise of journalism, where the areas of quality and responsibility for content, transparency, intellectual property and sources of information stand out, among others”.
Impresso Group is a pioneer in the adoption of new technologies
According to the director of Expresso, João Vieira Pereira, he advanced in a statement, “the print group has a vast history of pioneering in the adoption of technologies that allow us to evolve in the formats in which we reach audiences and innovate in the way we produce reference journalism”.
The use of artificial intelligence to assist in research and research, as well as in the production of journalistic pieces, was “another step” to achieve the goal of monitoring technological evolution and using it to its advantage.
Artificial intelligence was used in a soap opera to rejuvenate character
Also, is already resorting to artificial intelligence in some of its television formats and the already some images generated by this technology in the soap opera “The Inheritance”.
“This new technique makes the scenes of flashbackswho were formerly interpreted by younger actors, some of them nothing like. In this case, actress Barbara Branco, Beatriz in the soap opera, was rejuvenated about 10 years, to play Ana, the daughter of Sofia, ”reads in a text published on the channel’s social networks.
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