Great trouble: Czech stores download from the sale of goulash, contains hazardous substances

by Andrea

Soups, sauces, but even fried cuttings – all and much more can be bought as “cash” in supermarkets. At home, just put a bowl of food in the microwave and it’s done. If you buy such food from time to time, you should now sharpen.

As in all fields of human activity, there may be an error in the food industry, which is then needed to correct. This has recently happened when manufacturers processed meat into ready meals that had nothing to do there.

Cook goulash soup at home – for example according to youtub recipe in the channel Recipes without Brepta:

Source: YouTube

Beware of stew

A few days ago, the State Veterinary Administration drew attention to the use of harmful meat in two types of products, namely in Bill Ready goulash soup with potatoes (400 g package) and then in the canned segedin goulash Easy Cup (also 400 g package).

While goulash soup has problematic batch at the moment after the date of consumption and can not appear on the shelves, the canned segment has durability until 13 January 2027 and should therefore be careful whether we accidentally do not put it in the basket (although the probability is virtually zero).

Mysterious bensimidazole

What actually happened? According to Petr Majer, a representative of the spokesman of the State Veterinary Administration, pork was elaborated, which was subsequently revealed higher than the allowed benzimidazole values. It is a veterinary drug that does not pose a life -threatening for a given amount, but some consumers may experience digestive problems.

Half a ton of harmful meat

Before processing, it was a total of 520 kilograms of meat, which were delivered both to the company Slovácká Fruta, which made it goulash soup for Bill, as well as Hamé, Sro, where it created goulash cans in the Czech Republic mostly distributed to Globus.

Merchants immediately stopped selling

As soon as information about the problematic composition of the meat appeared, all unsold pieces were immediately withdrawn. On this occasion, the State Veterinary Administration informed customers who would buy the canned goods on a few days when the goods were on sale, that they could return them at the store and get their money back.

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Resistance could be a big problem

“Benzimidazoles are used in the treatment of parasitic infections in animals and humans. These are safe drugs, exceptionally, after use, diarrhea or abdominal pain may occur. Toxic doses are up to 30 times higher than therapeutic. However, they are not recommended to be used in pregnancy, ”explained Petr Majer, saying that the main problem in this case could be the risk of resistance to the next action of this active substance in both animals and IUs.

Don’t you have such a can at home? Better look into the pantry. And when you look at the packaging – be sure to get rid of supplies with the extent recommended consumption.


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