The washing machine is one of the most important appliances in the home, but we often neglect it. We bring you effective methods that extend the life of your appliance and ensure perfectly clean laundry without unpleasant odors.

The washing machine is undoubtedly one of the most important household appliances. Thanks to it we have clean clothes, towels, bed linen or blankets. It is therefore necessary to take care of its cleanliness. Inside and on the filters, many impurities and dust accumulate, and also settles scale.

Why is the washing machine cleaning so important? This will convince you!

The question of how to clean the washing machine is most common when water starts to flow or an unpleasant odor occurs. Then we are looking for the cause and find that, for example, there are clogged filters or a lot of scale has settled in it. This can subsequently lead to disorders that can cost not only a lot of money, but also time, because when the washing machine is in repair, we cannot use it.

It is therefore worthwhile to take care of the washing allowances that prevent scale deposits. There are also special cleaning agents that are inserted inside the washing machine and cleaning the washing machine itself. However, there are other methods. Regardless of the way we choose, cleaning should be carried out regularly.

The fact that our washing machine is polluted can also be evidenced by the fact that it will maintain an unpleasant odor. Washing will therefore not smell purity. It is therefore good to find a way to clean it. We often look for solutions among domestic methods to use the detergents we have at hand.

Dishwasher tablet as a miraculous washing machine? Yes, it works!

So the question arises: How to clean the washing machine with a dishwasher? Is it even possible? Yes – this cleaning agent is definitely suitable. Just throw two tablets into an empty drum or put one in the drum and the other in the drawer on the washing powder. Select the washing program to make the washing at 60 degrees Celsius or 90 degrees Celsius.

Dishwasher tablets contain active substances that dissolve grease and dirt, while removing scale. It is these features that make them an excellent means of cleaning the washing machine. After such a cleaning cycle, your washing machine will not only be clean, but also free of unpleasant odors.

This trick is particularly effective in removing deposits from the detergent, which will accumulate in the drawer and drum over time. In addition, the dishwasher tablets are designed to dissolve completely and leave no residues, ideal for cleaning the washing machine.

How to clean the filter in the washing machine and why is it so important?

It should be stressed that the filter is one of the most important elements in this appliance. It is thanks to him that all dirt, threads of clothing, hair and the like are captured from washing. However, if the filter clogs, it prevents the pump functioning properly. Then it can reduce the efficiency of the washing machine, or it can even lead to a complete stopping of its operation.

How to clean the filter in the washing machine? It must be found first. Usually located in the front. Make sure the washing machine is turned off, and put the bowl before pulling the plug and filter. Then open, unscrew and remove the filter. You can wash it under water and clean it with a paper towel. Make sure there are no residues of dirt in the hole. Then insert the filter back and close thoroughly to avoid water leakage.

Regular cleaning of the filter should be done at least once every three months, with intensive use of the washing machine more often. This simple act will significantly extend the life of your appliance and prevent costly repairs.

Vinegar as a washing machine cleaner: effective but not the only way

Vinegar is a very effective cleaning agent that also removes limescale and remnants of other powders or washing fluids. It is also suitable for use as a detergent. However, if we are considering how to clean the washing machine by vinegar, it should be remembered that two glasses of this liquid are enough. They are poured into a detergent socket. Then you need to set the program that provides the highest temperature and turn on the washing machine. The vinegar will certainly clean it well. Although it may remain a characteristic odor, it will also disappear over time.

The vinegar is particularly effectively removed by the limescale that settles in the pipe and on the heating body of the washing machine. Regular use of vinegar may prolong the life of these components and improve the energy efficiency of the appliance.

Soda bicarbonate: an inconspicuous helper with great force

Soda bicarbonate is another substance that has many use in the home. It is perfect for cleaning, but also for baking cakes. It is equally necessary in the home as vinegar.

How to clean the washing machine in a home way? It’s very simple. Just sprinkle half a glass of bicarbonate into the powder tray and set the highest temperature. Soda cleans not only the drum, but also the laundry tray itself.

Bicarbonate soda has mild abrasive properties that help remove dirt without damaging surfaces. At the same time, it neutralizes odors and has natural antibacterial effects.

After a bicarbonated soda cleaning cycle, your washing machine will not only be clean, but also without bacteria, which often cause unpleasant odors. Are there other homework cleaning methods? Try citric acid!

Above all, it should be stressed that it is worth taking care of such appliances.

Longer will work and do not create problems that would require repairs, as they bring additional costs. It is better to invest in detergents and enjoy the functional washing machine for many years.

We can also add citric acid to the cleaning methods that have already been discussed. It should be poured in a quantity of 140 grams into the socket and, like other methods, choose the type of program with the highest temperature.

Citric acid is extremely effectively removed by limescale and mineral deposits. It is more gentle on the seal and plastic parts of the washing machine than vinegar, so many experts recommend it as the first choice for regular cleaning.

Regular cleaning of the washing machine, whether using tablets for dishwasher, vinegar, soda bicarbonate or citric acid, will ensure not only a longer service life of the appliance, but also cleaner and fragrant laundry. Invest a little time in maintenance and your washing machine will return it to you years of trouble -free operation.

Just pour half a glass into the drum. Your clothes will be soft and the washing machine will be cleaner than ever before