Supreme Federal Court (STF) Minister Alexandre de Moraes referred on Saturday (8) to the Attorney General’s Office the defenses of former President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro and other accused in an investigation into an attempted coup.
In all, there were five complaints against 34 people. Among other crimes pointed out are the attempted violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law and criminal organization.
The accused’s lawyers deny the participation of investigated in the planning and preparatory acts of a possible blow.
The Supreme asks PGR to evaluate the arguments of the defenses and issue its opinion within five business days, based on Law 8.038/90.
The deadline starts counting on Monday (10) and ends on Friday (14).
Last Thursday ended the deadline for Bolsonaro and the other accused send their prior defenses to the Supreme Court (STF). The defenses set up task forces to analyze the case and prepare their argument.
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In an interview with EstadãoShortly after the complaint of Attorney General Paulo Gonet arrived at the Supreme Court, the defense lawyers stated that the prosecution thesis “makes no sense.” One of the arguments of the former president’s defense is that if he wanted to blow, Bolsonaro could have exchanged the armed forces commanders to get support from the military.
Minister Moraes shared with all 34 reported tests of confidential investigations that are related to the complaints.
These are investigations involving the rise of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), the use of the Federal Highway Police to influence the 2022 elections and the acts of January 8.