Land cucumbers from their own garden should be healthy and juicy, but it happens that they are not at all. If your vegetables are constantly getting sick, and after trying they turn out to be bitter, it doesn’t have to be your fault.
Even ideal conditions in the vegetable garden, Well -chosen soil, stand and regular watering will not bring results in the form of juicy, tasty and healthy crops if you plan the inappropriate variety of cucumbers. So check how to choose the best one that will meet your requirements.
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Do you stand for hours before a stand with seeds, because you do not know which variety of ground cucumber to choose? Think about what you expect from your vegetables. Appearance is not everything Also consider: fertility, resistance to diseases (powdery mildew, fusariosis) and pest attacks or purpose (for preparations or raw).
If you care about resistant varieties of ground cucumbers, bond early Bond F1, Lokus F1 or Starter. Especially the first can interest you due to universal use.
Their advantage is the taste because they are not bitter, and their fruits are shapely, so They are great for raw consumption, preparing cucumber salad or during preservation or pickling.
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Do you grow cucumbers for preserves? Bet on vegetables with a compact flesh and smaller seed chambers, That in the pickling process they certainly keep a good consistency.
The best varieties of ground cucumbers for pickling are: Remiz F1, Julian F1, Arko F1 and Liberty F1. He is also quite good at this task: Śremski F1, Frykas F1, Krak F1 and Polan F1.
Are you planning to prepare small cornses? They will be perfect for you: Tytus F1 and Anulka F1. In contrast, dedicated cucumbers for preserving are: Amber F1, Brilant F1 and Lazurite F1.