Chicken broth is called the king among Polish soups. Seemingly it is a simple broth, but with its essentiality and aroma nothing can compare. How to improve the Sunday dinner even more? Such a trick will make it incredibly clear.
The broth is cooked on several basic ingredients. The base for the broth is poultry meat with the addition of beef. Italian is necessary for this. In the vegetable mixture is found carrots, parsley, root celery, leeks and onions. In addition, the decoction is enriched with nparsley.
In broth, it is important not only what we cook it, but also what will we give him. The basis is of course sun. It will turn up and bring out the best taste. It is necessary for this black pepper in grains, bay leaves and allspice. It is also added in many homes leafhowever, it has a specific taste, which is why not everyone uses it.
We start cooking broth by preparing meat. It cannot be frozen. A few hours before cooking, remove them from the freezer and leave them to slow, natural thaw. To the We put in thawed meat and pour it with cold waterand then start cooking on low heat.
When scum begins to gather on the water, we take them off with a spoon, and Add cleansed vegetables and spices to the pot. We leave the broth for further cooking, still on low heat. In such conditions, the broth should boil for 3-4 hours. At the end of preparing a decoction, we add salt to it.
Achieving a clear broth is a hard challengewho spends the eyelid to many home cook. It turns out that there is a very simple trick for the broth to be perfectly transparent.
A trick to a clear broth is to add a glass of cold water to it. Some professional chefs also recommend ice cubes. Such an add -on reduces the temperature of the broth, thanks to which We get rid of the turbidity and unsightly sediment. In addition, in this way we will supplement part of the water that has evaporated during cooking.
A glass of cold water for broth will take care of both its appearance and taste. Watering will strengthen soup aromaand in effect it will be even more essential.