The temporary arrest (30 days) of Maicol Sales dos Santos occurred on Saturday (8) for contradictions in his statement; also weighed in the decision of the court the fact that he owns the car seen by witnesses
One of the suspects of the death of teenager Vitória Regina de Sousa, 17, in Greater São Paulo, was arrested for contradictions in his statement, according to police officers who investigate the case. The temporary arrest (30 days) of Maicol Sales dos Santos occurred on Saturday afternoon (8), after decree of the São Paulo Court. The suspect’s defense has not yet commented.
He underwent a custody hearing on Sunday (9), who kept the arrest. The main contradiction, in the researchers’ view, is Maicol’s whereabouts the night Victoria disappeared on February 26. He told the police that he was with his wife at home. The companion, in turn, denies and claims to have spent the night at her mother’s house.
It also weighed on the court decision for temporary arrest the fact that Maicol was the owner of the car, a Toyota Corolla, who was seen at the crime scene. In addition, there are reports from neighbors about suspicious movements at Maicol’s house the night Victoria disappeared. According to the judge responsible for Maicol’s arrest, there is “strong evidence” of his involvement in the crime.
The court authorized searches in the house and the breach of secrecy of telematic data from the suspect’s electronic devices. Police had requested the temporary arrest of a second suspect, Daniel Pereira, but the court denied. However, it authorized search and seizure at your residence.
Motivation of the crime is still being investigated
The motivation of the crime is still being investigated. There is a possibility of a passion crime for revenge, committed by people who related to victory. Police also assume that the murder occurred to silence Victoria, who would have threatened to reveal intimate secrets of known people. In this hypothesis, someone would have “ordered” the murder. Investigators also say that the suspect may be involved with the Capital’s first command (CCP).
Crime brutal
The suspect rests on how the young woman’s body was found, with shaved hair and signs of torture. Vitória worked as a cashier in a mall restaurant in downtown Cajamar. The father used to pick her up at the bus stop on the way out of the work. On February 26, the family car was broken and so she made the journey alone.
On the way, he sent messages to a friend saying he was afraid in two different situations. At first, she suspected a group of men at the bus stop. Then, when they boarded the collective that went to the Ponunduva neighborhood, a region of farms where he lived.
According to the driver of the collective, Vitória descended alone on the point soon after, stopped responding to the messages and disappeared. The teenager’s body was found on Wednesday (5), with marks of violence. It was located on a trail in the neighborhood of Ponunduva, in rural Cajamar, metropolitan region of São Paulo.
*With information from Estadão Content
Posted by Carol Santos