How do you choose to wash the dishes? You may also feel that the higher its price, the more effective it will be. However, the results of recent tests have not confirmed this theory, so it will be better to look for according to other leash.
Although today we are washing most of the dishes in the dishwasher, but sometimes we have no choice but to put the water into the sink and simply embark on one of the least popular home work. When she is no longer avoided, at least we want to wash the dishes by hand, thanks to the help of a quality means. How to choose? Let us talk to the results of the tests performed by experts.
Find out more in the YouTub video by the author of the Kingdom of TianDe:
Source: YouTube
Let us believe the experts
One of the outputs that we can safely believe in this area is the renowned dTest magazine, which can be followed in many areas of life. It precisely introduces the reader with an interesting result that refutes rumors about direct proportion between the price and the quality of the products for dishes. The first place was sovereignly by the production of Feel Eco.
The time has progressed …
In addition, this cleaning agent has also overcome another idea of most people that what is ecological is not effective. It is true that in the early days of the production of more environmentally friendly variants of classical chemistry, such problems occurred, but the world and development proceed further. And so in most cases we do not have to decide between ecological and effective means – as the valued Feel Eco proves.
Lots of benefits in one bottle
What did he acquire the favor of the assessors who decided to place on the imaginary ranking of the quality of the means for manual dishwashing? Of course, efficiency, which is practically no different from “hard chemistry”, even at very low doses. In addition, of course, it is also necessary to highly appreciate the already mentioned ecological composition of the product, which helps protect nature, but not only here. It can also be used by people with more sensitive skin because it contains natural moisturizers. These substances then help protect the skin from drying and thus from unnecessary damage. Isn’t that a nice bonus?
It’s not just about dishes
If you choose such a helper next time, try to focus on its composition, or on the designation of the various certificates that have been awarded the product. You will find a lot about its harmfulness, or vice versa environmental environmental. It is not only about clean dishes, but also clean water in streams and rivers.
We have only one nature
Although the waste water flows first into the sewage system, it is never possible to remove all the chemicals that it will bring from our homes. Therefore, it is so important to think as much as possible about the composition of such products, and if it is a little possible, always choose the one whose individual ingredients are as easy as possible in nature. Feel Eco shows that this is possible without losing cleaning capabilities.