Sorting waste can be a problem for many people. Sometimes it seems to be clear where some waste should get, but we are actually making big mistakes. One of the most unpleasant things is a paper towel. It should not go to the blue container at all.
Waste separation has been discussed for a long time. We learn about this in schools and in everyday life we should follow the established rules of garbage. Nevertheless, many people still do not know what the colors of individual containers mean and how to divide waste.
Mistakes may also result from incorrect interpretation of the composition of some products. The biggest problem is, among other things, paper towels. Where to throw it?
What are the containers for waste sorting? It is worth remembering these colors
Before we go to throwing paper towels, we should first remember what containers we can find on the streets and in trash shelters. Knowing their colors and labels can help us separate them, which will later be reflected in better environmental care. Many products are recyclable, helping to reduce the negative impact on natural resources.
The current distribution of waste sorting is as follows:
- green containers – Glass,
- Yellow containers – metals and plastics,
- Black containers – mixed waste,
- brown containers – biodegradable waste,
- blue containers – papier.
Paper waste is also subject to subsequent processing. The content of the containers is sent to the waste management plants where it is cleaned and sorted. In this way, waste is isolated, which can later turn into new products. For this reason, you cannot throw used paper towels in a blue container. So where should they go?
Should paper towels be thrown into a paper container? Unlike the taxation not
Paper waste should go to a blue container, but only if it is clean. We can throw away there for example Cardboard boxes, newspapers, leaflets, office paper or paper bags. These items are rarely contaminated.
However, there is a different situation with paper towels. We often use them to wipe dirty worktops and food residues that cause the paper to absorb other substances.
- Dirty paper towels should be placed in a mixed waste container. Dirty paper is not suitable for further processing, so it does not need to be sorted.
What container should I throw out used toner? To none. You’ll be surprised what to do with it