The (Attorney General of the Union) of the government contradicted and defended the complete revocation of the 1964 existing in one (MG).
In a statement sent to the Federal Court in a proposal by the Federal Public Prosecution Service, the AGU stated that the name “Brigade 31 de Março” given to the 4th Light Mountain Infantry Brigade Contrary decision of the (Supreme Court).
The court understood that it is unconstitutional to.
In a statement, the Army stated that “it is in dealings with the Federal Public Prosecution Service, through the Attorney General of the Union, on the subject on screen.”
The brigade is installed at the scene of, where, at, General Olympio Mourão Filho, then head of the unit based in Juiz de Fora, mobilized his troops towards Rio de Janeiro. The action began the coup that deposed the president and originated, which lasted 21 years.
The AGU manifested itself in the process after the end of the attempted conciliation between the MPF and the Army.
The MPF rejected last year the proposal of the head of the army commander, General Tomás Paiva. She provided for the sign with reference to the tribute, but kept in force the Ordinance of 1974, edited during the dictatorship, which made the reverence official at the date.
The army also agreed to withdraw from the site the mention of the “decisive and brave role [da brigada] In the outbreak of the Democratic Revolution “, a term used by advocates of the coup.
The Attorney’s Office did not accept the proposal because it considered irregular maintenance of the ordinance. The sign and the brigade website remain with the honors, which should only be removed after a court decision.
Legal Note of the AGU Defense General Coordination of Democracy in the process shows that the army maintained an even more adamant position within the government.
When consulted on the subject, the Force stated that the MPF’s request interfered with administrative decisions practiced without illegalities and defended the maintenance of the plaque in honor of March 31.
“The denomination was attributed to the brigade in 1974, it performed for several generations and that lasts for about 50 years, without being questioned. There is no incompatibility of mentioning the historical episode with the democratic principles and values of the Brazilian State,” said the army command office.
Positioning also rejected changes in the Brigade website text for not seeing “any intention in promoting or encouraging conduct related to undemocratic events”.
The AGU Coordination Note highlights the fact that the position the army was sent by the office of Commander Tomás Paiva, not by the legal consultancy of force, as is common in legal debates within AGU.
The Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship was also consulted by the agency. The portfolio said that honor the date of the coup, “in addition to configuring an insult to the rule of democratic law built during the period of redemocratization, it is also an attack on the right to memory and truth.”
At the same time, the AGU aligned with the army by not agreeing with other requests from the Attorney.
The agency opposed courses for the unit’s military on the illicit character of the military coup and the conclusions of the National Truth Commission on the human rights violations of the period. According to the position, the army’s curriculum already provides for the “theme of democratic values and human rights”.
He also opposed the creation of a memory space on the brigade wall that would show that, from that place, “military troops departed from Juiz de Fora, triggering a coup that interrupted democracy in Brazil”.
AGU has stated that the federal government supports memory initiatives across the country, such as the Truth Commission itself.
The MPF, however, insists on the specific courses for the members of the brigade, as well as the memory space on site. The Attorney’s Office states that the measures are part of a necessary reparation after 50 years of honor of the coup, of which 36 under a democracy.
“Not coincidentally, among the various units of the army in Juiz de Fora, it was precisely in front of the 4th Infantry Brigade that scammer protesters focused for more than sixty days to contest and reverse the result of the 2022 elections, with requests for ‘intervention’ (coup),” says the prosecutor.
“Considering that these public agents [da brigada] They live daily with the tribute and mentions of the coup as ‘democratic revolution’, either by the unit’s website, the plaque posted on the brigade premises or by the informative material, the union must, as a form of reparation to the offended illicit and the damage caused, to correct this view misrepresented by the information transmitted in the military unit. “