Digital bank fraud and card blows reached the unprecedented brand of R $ 10.1 billion in Brazil in 2024, according to data released on Tuesday, 11, by the Brazilian Federation of Bank Associations (Febraban).
The advancement of organized crime on the digital financial system is on the Federal Police radar. Corporation Director-General Andrei Passos Rodrigues treats the phenomenon as “digital cangaço” and evaluates that the migration of criminal organizations to the virtual environment is an irreversible reality.
To contain organized crime, the PF has changed the acting strategy. Previously, investigations focused on individual occurrences. Today, the corporation seeks the origin of the frauds to stop the blows through the root.
“It is no use having a huge volume of operations and investigations if the result is insignificant,” said the Federal Police Director-General on Tuesday at an event organized by FEBRABAN to discuss phraud prevention and repression paths, cyber and bank security.
Under the management of Andrei Rodrigues, the PF defined three priority axes of action against digital fraud. The first is the integration of the public sector with the private sector and among public institutions. Since 2017, the Federal Police have had a deal with Febraban to exchange information that facilitate investigations. “This is not just a challenge for security institutions,” said the PF director-general.
The second is the decapitalization of criminal organizations to interrupt their operations. And the third is international cooperation. “Today there are no borders to crime,” Andrei said in the lecture.
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The Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Brazilian Banks Federation last month launched a “national alliance” to combat digital bank fraud.
The National Secretary of Public Security, Mario Sarrubbo, was also at the event. He argued that the restructuring of the Financial Activities Control Board (COAF) is the next step to “disrupting organized crime.” “We need Coaf to be strong so that, along with the financial system, we can separate the chaff from the wheat.”
In search of joint solutions, Febraban President Isaac Sidney proposed administrative punishments for people who “rent” the CPF for third parties to move illegal money, the so -called “oranges”.
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“We need to ban these people and prevent them from carrying out financial transactions, except those transactions for credit of their salary, allowing only withdrawals and non-transfers from these accounts, either by TED or Pix.”
Sidney also stated that it is necessary to “cut in his own meat” and blame executives from negligent financial institutions with the fragility of accounts and allow “criminals to be able to open accounts with the sole purpose of having a passage account to transit illicit resources”.