Conflict in BBB 25: Vitória Strada and Thamiris argue after voting

by Andrea

Thamiris questions Vitória Strada after training of Paredão and Sisters exchange barbs after disagreement in reality

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Thamiris and Vitória Strada argue in the garden after formation of the wall

This Sunday (9), the participant Vitória Strada impressed the house when voting in Thamiris, before her ally in 25. This afternoon (10), the sisters talked about the choice of And they ended up exchanging some barbs. During the dialogue, nutritionist Thamiris questioned the opponent: “You know you vote to leave right?”

On the lawn, Vitória explained that her choices had to change after the latest events of the house and that she gave this vow to save Diego Hypólito, her ally. “I was made clear for a long time that I had no allies in the game. I had to protect myself in some way and protect who is close to me in the game. Who is close to me in a matter of game, welcome. It was a trajectory since I had no allies, a natural approach was happening, ”he said.

After the sister’s justification, Thamiris countered and implied that for the actress, her departure would be interesting. “I didn’t really expect it. I didn’t count on time, I understood later. It’s good that I place myself. If I stay, I’ll know my place really. I would not vote for you even to save Now, ”he said. For the nutritionist, Vitória is really playing and says the participant has more allies in the fourth year 50.

Elimination takes place this Tuesday (11)

This Tuesday, Vinicius, Thamiris or Aline will take the suitcase and make the house more traveled . The brother was nominated by the leader and Thamiris by the participants, who was entitled to the counterattack and pulled Aline.

*Report produced with the aid of AI

Posted by Nátaly Tenório


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