The destination of contradicts Jair Bolsonaro’s own speech regarding the use of public money for cultural productions.
In July 2019,, at the time president, went to social networks to ask the producers to give up the capture of R $ 530 thousand via audiovisual law, through tax waiver.
The film shows, among other events, the stabbler that Bolsonaro took in the 2018 campaign.
“We do not agree with public money for these purposes,” Bolsonaro said at the time.
As the UOL showed, Deputies Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP), Mário Frias (PL-SP) and Marcos Pollon (PL-MS) allocated R $ 860,000 for the production of the documentary “Genocidas”, by the producer from Rio Grande do Sul.
The company is owned by Rodrigo Cassol Lima, who held a position at the Bolsonaro Government Secretariat.
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