Until recently, many people avoided eating potatoes, for fear that it would affect their figure negatively. Currently, dietitians ensure that boiled potatoesthis is one of the best choices among products rich in carbohydrates, which we can reach for on a slimming diet. Of course, provided that we eat them in moderation. It is also worth knowing what to not combine potatoes with. Some combinations may have a negative effect on the digestive system and thwart the effects of weight loss. In the article below, we will check what to not add them to and what properties have potatoes.
Potatoes are easily digestible, in the cooked version they do not contain a lot of calories, and in addition they have a very high index of satiety. Therefore, they will be a good choice for both the elderly, children, convalescents and people who want to lose weight. There are only 80 kcal in 100 g of cooked potatoeswhile in 100 g of cooked pasta there is about 120 kcal, and in cooked rice is 130 kcal. In addition, after lunch with the addition of cooked potatoes you will feel full longer.
What’s more, Potatoes do not contain gluten, Therefore, they are great for people who have celiac or food intolerances. Interestingly, people who struggle with too high blood pressure are also recommended because contain potassiumwhich helps regulate them.
There is also a lot of potatoes vitamin Cwhich, among other things, strengthens immunity and also B group vitaminswhich support the nervous or circulatory system. In addition to potassium, others are also present here Mineral substances, including: zinc, magnesium, yog, manganese, copper or phosphorus. These vegetables also contain Fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal work, provides satiety after a meal, and also regulates sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, these vegetables can also be found Cholinewhich is beneficial to the nervous system, supports memory and concentration.
Traditional dinner that lands on more than one table, It’s meat with the addition of potatoes and salads. However, you can find voices according to which this connection does not have a positive effect on the body. We are talking in particular about fatty meats (pork, beef), and those fried in deep fat or poured with sauce served with potatoes. These vegetables contain a lot of carbohydrates, while the meat consists of protein and fat. This combination is hard to digest, intensifies the fermentation processes, that causes some people to cause Nustlessness, heartburn, flatulence and gauze. Of course, do not fall into paranoia, from time to time, you can reach for a roulade with sauce or pork chop in a coating with the addition of potatoes. It is important to maintain moderation. If you want to take care of your health and a slim figure Give up the potato pouring with a lot of butter, frying fat or lard in the form of crackling or fried for onion butter.
However, it is worth mentioning that The addition of protein products (e.g. yogurt or buttermilk) and fatty (e.g. butter) for dishes with potatoes will reduce the overall glycemic load of the meal. Therefore, if you fancy a classic Polish dinner, choose fried eggs with boiled potatoes with dill and misery. You can eat them as much as you take care of the line.
Sources: Terazpoczy.pl, SMERER.PL