The title may seem like a pound, but there are logical – and easy -to -understand – reasons behind the main conclusion of this study.
If you have a operation Marked soon and if, by aim, the intervention is scheduled for a Friday, do not panic. The data we will present are statistics, medium. It is not a sentence of anything.
The large scale was done: the 25 most common operations were analyzed at about 430,000 patients. The temporal period was between 2007 and 2019; The location was Ontario, Canada.
More than that: marked and urgent procedures were analyzed, the importance of factors such as age or experience, short term results (30 days), medium term (90 days) and long term (1 year) on the effect of the weekend, explained investigator Vatsala Mundra, no.
This mega-analysis came to a main conclusion: Being operated on Friday brings more risks.
Increases the probability of complications postoperatively and even increases the probability of the patient to die. More specifically, a 5% increase compared to the average of the other days of the so -called useful week.
And there is no specialty that “naughty”. This danger was found in All specialties analyzed.
This will be the most detailed analysis on this subject, but It is not the first study that comes to this conclusionreinforces the.
Four reasons
Then comes the obvious question: it is more risky to be operated on Friday why?
Researchers respond: fewer people working.
Medical teams have fewer elements on Friday, among doctors, nurses and other clinical professionals. It is really a “drastic decrease”, reads in the study.
“This can contribute to the end of the weekend observed through a rescue failure mechanism-that is, a weekend team with few employees may be less likely to detect and act on acute complications at the beginning of its evolution, leading to a higher rate of complications for patients,” the investigators explain.
There is another reason: on Friday there is more inexperienced surgeons No Bloco.
In addition, such “weekend teams”, even if they have more qualified health professionals, are probably working at a disadvantage: they may be less familiar with the sick than the working day team that was taking care of the process.
Reason room: Less tests, Less tools. Less assistance in material level. And the probability that patients are discharged on Saturday or Sunday is less likely.
In the background, there are two/three days of overloaded and less confident employees, with reduced capacity to diagnose and to treat patients, and less familiar with the cases and patients for which they are responsible. Increased risk could even be higher.