In the spring, not only plants, but also insects awaken to life. Unfortunately, many people will soon feel it for themselves. The flies that appear in households are unpleasant sound and also sit on virtually every surface in the house. Getting rid of them is a relatively demanding role. Fortunately, you can easily repel them with proven home methods.

Flies represent a serious problem in many houses and flats.

  • This unpleasant insect is found virtually everywhere and can transmit up to 100 different pathogens, including dangerous bacteria and viruses.
  • In addition, they multiply very quickly, so one insect can quickly become a whole cloud.

For this reason, we propose how to proceed to prevent them in our home. Home resources are cheap and effective.

These fragrances repel flies. Spray them in the kitchen and you can say goodbye to the problem.

One of the most effective ways of repellent flies is the right fragrance. With the help of known ingredients, which are found in virtually every kitchen, we can easily get rid of insects and ensure that it does not return to the apartment.

Flies do not like all kinds of citrus. Keeping it in mind, we have several solutions to choose from.

  • We can use an orange bark, lemon or lime. Just soak them in the water for a few hours and then spray the decoction on sensitive surfaces.
  • If we do not have natural fruits, we can always invest in citrus oils that have a strong smell. It is sufficient 5-6 drops of oil per 150 ml of water to produce a spray with an intense aroma.

Another component that flies hate is a clove.

  • They can be combined with citrus or even used separately. They will function well as dried spices or in the form of cloves. We can prepare bags filled with cloves and citrus peel, which we hang around the windows or in the kitchen.
  • Similarly, cinnamon works, which we can add to cloves and citrus in dried form.

Effective methods of flour repellent. What do you need?

However, some people do not believe and prefer practical traps to repel insects. One of the favorite solutions is the use of flies sticks. Unfortunately, they are unsightly and caught insects often buzzes long after the trap has immobilized him.

For this reason is A much more effective way to dispose of flies to prepare your own trap in a small bowl. It is best to do the vinegar.

  • All you have to do is pour vinegar into a small bowl, a little liquid for dishes and a teaspoon of sugar. Mix the ingredients and then cover it all with a food foil in which we make small holes. The flies attracted by the sweet scent get into the bowl and drown in the prepared solution. Just remember that you must change it regularly to get rid of the insects quickly and effectively.

Are fly flies to your house? Two products are enough. Are in every kitchen