Gleisi takes office and waves Congress and Haddad – 10/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The minister (PT) took office at the head of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations on Monday (10) making the nods to the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT), with whom he has diverged publicly, and also to the presidents of the House and.

The inauguration of the now former president of was held with the presence of the president (PT) at the Planalto Palace, in a ceremony that also began the management of Alexandre Padilha (PT) in the Ministry of Health, in place of Nísia Trindade.

“I come to add. It was this mission that I received and I want to fulfill a government of wide coalition, dialoguing with the political forces of Congress and the expressions of society, its organizations and movements,” said Gleisi.

“I am fully aware of my role that is of political articulation.”

Gleisi’s nomination for the most important post of the relationship between executive and legislature had been announced in late February and generated distrust in the political environment by the petista’s trajectory, which has a history of friction with parliamentarians. The centron claimed the post, which was not accepted by Lula, and the decision was seen as a step of the leftist president.

On Monday, Gleisi sought to make a conciliation speech, quoting ministers Haddad, Rui Costa (Civil House), Alexandre Padilha and former Minister Nísia Trindade, reinforcing that he will act with their work and “respecting the spaces and skills of each one”.

He also spoke of “respect opponents” and “collaborate with everyone”. He cited as priorities the consolidation of a “stable base” in Congress, as of the 2025 budget vote, which has not yet been approved.

It also mentioned as a priority the expansion of income tax exemption for people who receive up to $ 5,000 per month, in a proposal presented by Haddad last November.

“I will be here, Minister Fernando Haddad, to help consolidate the economic agendas of this government. The guidelines you drive and are putting Brazil again on the employment, growth and income route,” said Gleisi.

In the speech, the new minister also specifically cited the mayor, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), and Senate, David Alcolumbre (Brazil-AP Union), stating that he will have joint performance.

“I will always be here to talk, listen to criticism and welcome suggestions,” he said.

The event also had a stroke to the former President of the Republic José Sarney, at a time when the government tries approximations with the MDB. Sarney attended the ceremony.

The federal deputy was already from the government, within the context of the ministerial reform headed by Lula, in a scenario of low in the approval of management.

In her speech this Monday, the former president of the acronym thanked the PT militants and leaders and classified the period when she was the party head as the “most important mission” she performed. She also recalled her own role in building the alliance that led Lula to victory in 2022, when the today had to fetch the center electorate.

“In all the missions that I fulfilled I also learned that politics is an exercise in coherence and commitment to values. We have to do politics to add, respecting opponents,” he said. “No one does anything alone.”

Gleisi also quoted the Oscar -winning film “I’m Still Here” and praised the work of Minister Alexandre de Moraes of the Federal Supreme Court in the report of the January 8 cases.

Now ahead of the folder whose function is the political articulation, Gleisi has previously crashed clashes with parties not only of the opposition, but also from the allied base, as well as the minister. In 2023, under the presidency of Gleisi, the PT approved critical documents to the government’s economic policy, classified even “austericide.”

The choice was announced by the president three days after choosing Padilha for health to replace Nisia. Now former health minister, she opened the ceremony with a farewell speech and congratulations to the two newly deposited.

Also participating in the inauguration of this Monday, Vice President Geraldo Alckmin and ministers, among them, (Justice), Anielle Franco (racial equality), (planning), Esther Dweck (Management and Innovation), Luciana Santos (Science and Technology), as well as members of Congress and the PT.

According to interlocutors, one of the complaints of the president about the articulation was precisely the lack of political dispute in the relationship with the. In conversations about the succession in the folder, Lula said he owed Gleisi the opportunity to show his ability.

Still according to reports heard by SheetAndré Ceciliano, today Special Secretary of Federative Affairs of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, should take over the relationship with Parliament, while diplomat Marcelo Costa is expected to have the leadership of Gleisi’s office.

The president would have said that the option for her in the ministry would be a recognition to her work in charge of the PT, where she has been since 2017. With her departure from the acronym, the name of is the favorite to succeed Gleisi, although, as shown in Sheet.

Edinho was also present at the Petista’s inauguration ceremony at Planalto.

Now with Gleisi, o, amid the 38 existing folders. Political machismo, with mentions of misogynistic attacks on Nisia and First Lady, Rosângela da Silva, Janja, were also addressed by the new minister in the inauguration discourse.


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