Senate government leader Randolfe Rodrigues (PT-AP) said on Monday, 10, that the government should meet in the coming days with the budget rapporteur, Senator Ângelo Coronel (PSD-BA), to submit proposals for adjustments to the 2025 Annual Budget Bill (PLOA).
Randolfe also stated that the government can send to Congress a PLN (a type of proposition on the executive’s initiative budgetary matter) to adjust the Budgeting Educational Program to the Budget, in compliance with the decision of the Federal Court of Audit (TCU).
On February 12, the TCU determined that the government takes steps in 120 days to adapt the half -to -budgetary foot. According to the decision, the execution of the educational program may be made outside the budget until the National Congress’s deliberation on the subject.
The Budget and Financial Supervision Consulting (Conof) of the House of Representatives estimated that there are $ 10 billion with resources from the foot of the half that did not go through the budget. The 2025 PLOA sent by the government predicted only $ 1 billion to the program.