Gabriel Martinez Souza is 38 years old and lived in a housing in Montijo. In the housing garage, the national authorities found two machine guns, a Glock pistol adapted to make shots in gust and boats and motorcycles to walk underwater – invisible to surface
The Judicial Police detained a Brazilian citizen for belonging to a cell in Portugal from the Brazilian Organized Crime Group First Command of the Capital (CCP), linked to cocaine trafficking, in a action in cooperation with the Brazilian authorities.
In a note released Tuesday, the Judiciary Police (PJ) said that the suspect, 38 years old and legal resident in Portugal, was arrested during an operation called “emerging”. About the detainee hung an international warrant issued by the Brazilian authorities, allegedly integrating a criminal organization constituted in Brazil.
CNN Portugal knows that it is Gabriel Martinez Souza, 38, with a high position in the Brazilian CCP structure. It was a high emissary of that criminal association to Portugal – where it was mission to organize the landing operations of hundreds of pounds of cocaine that arrived in Portugal in the so -called ships of the ships. The suspect was mission in Brazil the placement of tons of drugs attached to the ships of ships through specialized divers and, already in Lisbon, divers returned to remove drugs from the hooves from the vessels.
The team of specialized divers were hired in Brazil, where they packed the drug in the ships of the ships, and then moved to Lisbon to remove it from the packaging – between 100 and 150 pounds of cocaine, on average
Gabriel lived in a dwelling in the Montijo area, where he was arrested by PJ on Tuesday morning, and in the home garage hid weapons of war – among which two machine guns and a glock pistol adapted to make gust. In addition, boats and motorcycles were found to walk underwater – invisible to the surface – with whom a team of divers were discreetly disembarked the drug without anyone noticing in the port of Lisbon, with the ships already delayed.
The operation, which took place simultaneously in several places in Brazil, was in Portugal by the National Unit to Combat Trafficking, which, in addition to the detention, also executed a home search warrant, and three automatic weapons, several thousand euros, medium/high range vehicles and dive equipment were seized.
Police source contacted by Lusa specified that among the three seized weapons were 9mm Glock pistols, identical to those used by security forces, and an AR15 semiautomatic shotgun, and the money seized so far totals about 30 thousand euros.
The PJ note also states that, “according to the evidence collected, this now dismantled criminal group was dedicated to the introduction of large quantities of cocaine into the European continent, by sea, as a rule hidden in ships and rudder boxes.”
The police source contacted by Lusa explained that the man now arrested in Portugal used the diving equipment to remove the hidden drug in the hooves and rudder boxes from Brazil, when they landed in Portugal, adding that the suspect may be linked to a self -titled Brazilian criminal group of the capital.
In the operation “Emergentes”, the Federal Police of Brazil executed in Brazilian territory 26 search warrants and six arrest warrants, as part of an investigation in which the commission of drug trafficking, criminal organization and capital bleaching are investigated.
Investigations continue, under the police cooperation signed between the two countries, now being the detained heard in the first judicial interrogation.
A note from the Brazilian Federal Police, to which Lusa had access, says that “the investigation [agora efetuada] Derive from the “Operation Sólis”, held by Gaeco/MP on December 7, 2021 from the arrest in the act of individuals for the crime of international drug trafficking in the state of Espírito Santo ”, being at the time among the detainees“ the considered leader of the criminal organization ”.