In possession, Gleisi and Padilha send messages to pacify articulation

by Andrea

Sworn in, the new ministers Alexandre Padilha, new health holder, and Gleisi Hoffmann, who will command the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (SRI), took office with speeches in favor of improving government articulation.

A nods and messages were made for congressmen, party leaders, representatives of states and municipalities, members of public authorities and even political disaffected.

The ceremony filled the Planalto Palace in Brasilia. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) did not speak and left the mission to delight allies for the two chosen ministers. Exchanges on the Esplanade are part of the ministerial reform led by the chief executive, which seeks to reverse the fall in popularity.

Padilha even nodded to the former mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), of whom he was the target of public criticism, and the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG). He also thanked the current heads of the houses, Deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB) and Senator Davi Alcolumbre (Union-AP), who were present at the event.

In the same line, in search of oil the relationship with Congress, Gleisi highlighted the intention of having a “joint performance” with the presidents. “With you [Motta e Alcolumbre]I want to maintain a respectful, frank, solidarity and direct relationship. Have no doubt, I will always be here to talk, listen to criticism and welcome suggestions, ”he said.

New responsible for the political articulation, Gleisi also thanked leaders of acronyms combined with the government and cited the mission of building a “stable” support base. Signals occur at a time when center parties show dissatisfaction with the executive and threaten to leave the base allied.

As CNN Showed, the ceremony on Monday was held amid the expectation of new exchanges, given the pressure of party parties for more space in the Esplanade, in exchange for support in Congress.

Health showcase

Padilha left the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, to assume health, with the mission of doing, from the area, a showcase for the government, as well as consolidating a brand in Lula’s third management with the most access to experts program.

“I arrive at the ministry with an obsession with reducing waiting time for those who need specialized service. Every day, I will work to seek the greatest access and shorter waiting time, ”he said.

In speech, the minister also made several thanks and praised the work of the predecessor, Nísia Trindade. The now former minister spoke at the ceremony and criticized the “systematic and misogynist campaign” that sought to discredit her work. In office, Nisia was pressured by the political class for the release of funds.

To minimize the resignation of another woman from the ministerial team -the third since the beginning of the government -Gleisi said during the speech that Lula is the president who most appointed women for positions of power.

The new minister also praised and thanked Alexandre de Moraes, from the Supreme Federal Court (STF), for his action in defense of democracy and national sovereignty. Throughout the speech, she, like Padilha, criticized the coup plan that looked Lula and culminated in the acts of January 8, 2023.

“I learned that politics is an exercise in consistency and commitment to values. We must make politics to add, recognizing differences, respecting opponents, building alliances, fulfilling agreements and legitimized in the greater interest of the country and the population. No one does anything alone. This is one of the fundamental distinctions between democratic exercise and authoritarian projects of power, ”concluded the minister.


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