It doesn’t say amounts or customers, but it was “cool”. Montenegro responds to BE and arrives

by Andrea
“André Censorship” alone on “useless afternoon”: Montenegro explained everything?

Miguel A. Lopes/Lusa

It doesn't say amounts or customers, but it was “cool”. Montenegro responds to BE and arrives

The Prime Minister answered the written questions of the Left Bloc and arrives on the business of Spinumviva and about the declaration of his bank accounts.

The Chief Executive answered the questions that were raised to him by the arrival and the Left Block about the doubts about the activity of the company he had and that sold to his wife before going to the governmentSpinumviva, which gave rise to a political crisis that can lead to the lead of a motion of trust and consequent fall of the executive on Tuesday.

Luís Montenegro again rejected discriminating against the amounts received by client, date and type of service. ”

“Treaty-be internal matter of trade relations Of the supplier companies and clients of the contracted services, ”writes Luís Montenegro in the answer to the second question posed by the Left Block, which wanted the values ​​to be discriminated by client, date and type of service.

Montenegro recalls, however, that “it has been made public by the company Spinumviva that the amounts charged and paid for the services provided under personal data protection and RGPD application oscillated between € 1000 and 4500 €/month depending on the complexity of the work ”.

Remember that they are already known five customers Recurring Spinumviva – Solverde, Clip, Popular Radio, Lopes Barata and Ferpinta – as well as Gasolineira Joaquim Barros Rodrigues & Filhos, who provided management services. The prime minister says that these already released customers accounted for 86% of the company’s revenue while a managing partner.

“There is no, there could be no political influence. We are talking about exclusively private businesses, ”he says.

Transfer of quotas to the wife

Montenegro also considers that the assignment of his Spinumviva quotas to the woman was made within the legal frameworkclaiming that the article that prohibited transactions between spouses was revoked in 1986.

“It is my opinion that there is no doubt that Article 1714 (2) of the Civil Code – approved in 1966 and that it prohibited at date the conclusion of company contracts between the spouses – was derogated by Articles 8 and 228 of the 1986 Commercial Companies Code, ”writes Luís Montenegro in the answers to the questions about his family company.

Montenegro writes that these articles “expressly foresee: ‘The conclusion of contracts of society among the spouses is allowed, as well as their participation in societies, provided that only one of them assumes unlimited responsibility”.

Apartment and Accounts for declaring

The prime minister also addressed the news around the purchase of two apartments in Lisbon, at Travessa do Possolo. The Correio da Manhã advanced that Luís Montenegro had purchased the apartments the ready using several accounts to the Order, which would be out of the threshold that obliges it to declare them to the entity for transparency, because they have a value of less than 50 minimum wages.

Blocks asked Montenegro if they think it should declare all the accounts when the global balance is greater than 50 minimum wages or if only when each individual account has this upper balance.

“The history of my statements with the Constitutional Court, and now with the entity for transparency, allow the identification of all my accounts to the order and its value, when over 50smn,” he replied, implying that he only declares an account when it exceeds the value.

Leitão Amaro “perplexed” with PS decision

The Minister of the Presidency today expressed perplexity, on behalf of the government, because the PS opted to advance to a parliamentary commission of inquiry, instead of written questions And wait for the answers, like other parties.

António Leitão Amaro also informed that the answers of the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, to the questions raised by Be and arrives “have already been or will be delivered”In Parliament,“ long before the 30 -day regimental deadline ”.

The minister spoke at the press conference After the Council of Ministerswhich may be the last of the XXIV Constitutional Government to full functions, since on Tuesday is voted by Parliament the motion of trust to the government, which has ‘lead’ announced.

Asked about the PS initiative to advance to a mandatory parliamentary committee regarding the execution of declarative obligations by the Prime Minister regarding the Spinumviva family business, and expressed perplexity.

“The questions are legitimate, the Prime Minister answers Parliament and the questions the Parliament arises. We have this perplexity: Why does the PS not put them in writingwaited for the answers, because he chose to use this instrument when several others could be used, ”he criticized.

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