The minister of, Carlos Lupi, criticizes the “experts who defend the speculative capital and sacrifice the wage earner” when dealing with the economic situation of the country.
In an article sent to the panel, he says that the group is formed by the “former some thing” –ex-ministers, former presidents of financial institutions and former directors.
PDT’s licensed president, Lupi states that “experts are spokesmen for a model that is exhausted and that, every day, brings more social conflicts.”
Who are the “experts”?
With each moment we have some news about economic crisis, inflation and war, they appear in various newspapers, TVs, radios and social networks the analysis of experts, who have a solution to everything.
However, when they were in power, they did little or nothing. Usually, they are a former thing, such as former ministers, former presidents of financial institutions and former directors, who have something in common: the spoken fiscal balance. They always sacrifice the wage earner and protect speculative capital. They think public expense generates inflation and high interest rates help fight it.
The largest and most imposing model of capitalism, the US, has a debt of trillions of dollars and deficit in its tax balance, but almost no expert talks about it.
In fact, experts are spokesmen for a model that is exhausted and that, every day, brings more social conflicts. We want, every day, the Brazilian people understand that the best formula of distributing income is the salary.
Only with the improvement of workers’ income can we build a new society, where experts understand and understand the real life of the worker.
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