Tiago Petinga / Lusa
Presidency Minister António Leitão Amaro
From a new Lisbon metro line, IVA moved to companies and new careers of a higher technician, Leitão Amaro made several announcements after the Council of Ministers.
The Presidency Minister announced today several measures decided by the Council of Ministers.
The government today approved four measures for the media, which includes the National Plan of Media Literacy, and the Digital Subscription Offer from general and economic titles for young people.
“In the case of media, the approved diplomas are the National Plan for Media Literacy, the National Plan for the Security of Journalists, both diplomas in the Plan for Social Communication Presented by the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs ”in October, he listed António Leitão Amaro.
“Also contained in this plan and now approved two legislative diplomas widely discussed,” he said at the press conference after the Council of Ministers’ meeting.
One that “regulates the offer of digital periodic publication signature is a generalist newspaper, whether an economic newspaper for young people, and a review with improved incentives to periodic publications markedly and especially those of regional and local ciz, namely for a very significant reinforcement of PAID PAID TRAINING TO 80%“Said the presidency minister.
The Council of Ministers also approved a diploma that creates the NEW SPECIAL TECHNICAL TECHNICAL CARREIRA Specialist in budget, statistics and public policies, providing improvements in the remuneration levels of these workers.
This diploma is part of a wider range of decrees-law approved today aiming at several special public service careers, and the minister of presidency specified that these are diplomas that result from the completion of business proceedings with their unions.
“They are special careers, identified according to a priority established by the government, which does not dispense and does not harm the effort Regarding the general careers, ”said the minister, recalling, by the way, the promise already made to“ revisit ”these general careers.
The executive also gave green light to new association contracts for the preschool to 200 rooms that 5000 children will reach anotherwhich will have “access to free preschool” in places where there is no public offer. “Much of these shortages are located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area,” says the minister.
Reinforcement for the Armed Forces Hospital
The Council of Ministers approved an expense of 15 million From euros to the surgical wing of the Armed Forces Hospital (HFAR), it was announced today.
“There is an expense approval of 15 million euros to the surgical wing to the Armed Forces Hospital, which It is an old promise And it was not materialized, ”announced the presidential minister, António Leitão Amaro, at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ministers, which took place at Campus XXI in Lisbon.
On December 18, the Minister of Defense pledged to give priority to the ‘dossier’ of military health in the first three months of this year, with the objective of responding to some of the Professionals’ claims from the Armed Forces Hospital (HFAR).
This month, Nuno Melo met with the Independent Union of Doctors (yes), who had admitted to advance with a strike of civilians who work in this military hospital.
The minister recognized at the time that military health needed to be reinforced, since “this differentiated provision of health care to military and families It is assured in particular by HFAR”And he pointed to“ staff problems ”at the hospital, but also at the level of infrastructures that needed improvements.
Still in the health plan, a pilot project will be created for an incentive regime for Nurses integrated in care teams in the community.
Approved national railway plan
Another announcement was a set of measures for infrastructure, including the long awaited Approval of the National Railway Plan and several road ventures.
Leitão Amaro advances that it was necessary to “speed up” the “approval of the Violet line in the Lisbon Metro”. “It was necessary to launch the contest and materialize this work and do so reviewing the values high, given the conditions of price evolution“He said, adding that the work is” eligible for PRR. ” The new line will serve Loures and Odivelas.
The Council of Ministers also approved a set of diplomas that alter the VAT, namely what widen the cash VAT regime for companies with an annual turnover up to two million euros.
This diploma implements a request for government legislative authorization to Parliament and concludes one of the measures that make up the program accelerate the economy, approved by the Council of Ministers on July 4.
VAT of cash allows companies only to deliver the tax to the state when effectively receive it from their customerswithin 12 months after the invoice is issued.
The regime so far in force, which is voluntary adhesion, can be used by companies with revenues up to 500 thousand euros, a limit that will now be extended to up to two million euros.
In addition to this was also approved, according to the Minister of Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, the diploma that extends the special VAT exemption regime to small businesses.
At issue is a measure that will allow micro companies with revenues up to 15 thousand euros annually to opt for the special exemption regime, even if they have organized accounting – which so far was not possible.
Approved today was also the diploma that partially transposes the European directive regarding the aspect of Taxation in VAT of the secondhand assets, objects of art and antiques, aiming at Avoid abuse in use of the so -called margin regime.
Under the margin regime, the goods are Subject to reduced rateand the tax levies not on the value of the consideration, but on the difference between the purchase and sale value.
With the new rules, sellers of this type of products will have to apply the normal VAT rate if they choose the margin regime.
On the other hand, the acquisition of these objects at the reduced rate prevents the margin regime from being used in resale.
TAP privatization in the drawer
Asked about the privatization of TAP, that the government wanted to start until the end of the first quarter, the minister recognizes that there are “limitations” if there are new elections.
“There are a set of decisions that lack governments in full functions, namely the full launch [de medidas]. When it comes to starting processes with a complexity and depth, which need initial legislative acts, the management government is limited to do them, ”he explains.
This Council of Ministers took place on the eve of the vote of the confidence motion presented by the PSD/CDS government that has announced lead, confirming the announced voting intentions.