More ‘into account’ gas? Find out if you are entitled to increases in the solidarity billion and how you can ask for this support

by Andrea
More 'into account' gas? Find out if you are entitled to increases in the solidarity billion and how you can ask for this support

The support attributed by the Bilha Solidarity program has been increased from 10 to 15 euros per month. This measure aims to alleviate the charges of families facing economic difficulties, helping them in the purchase of gas cylinders.

Who can benefit from this support?

Created to support the most vulnerable consumers, this subsidy is intended for those who benefit from the Electricity Social Tariff (TSEE) or minimum social benefits. The reimbursement is attributed monthly and can make a difference in the budget of many families.

How to request support?

To enjoy the solidarity billion, interested parties must go to the Parish Council of their area of ​​residence and present certain documents. The process requires proof that the applicant fits the defined criteria.

Necessary documents for TSEE beneficiaries

According to the TSEE beneficiaries must deliver an electricity invoice that proves the attribution of the social tariff. In addition, it is necessary to present a proof of purchase of the gas cylinder, which must be in the name of the holder of the electricity contract.

Proof of identity

Another essential document is the citizen card, resident or passport of the applicant. This procedure ensures that the support is granted to the correct person and avoids possible fraud in the attribution process.

Consent for data processing

In addition to identification documents, it is essential to sign a declaration of acceptance of personal data processing. This requirement stems from the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and ensures the security of the information provided.

Support for those who receive minimal social benefits

Families who do not benefit from TSEE, but include at least one element to receive minimal social provision, can also request support. In this case, they must present a proof of receipt of this installment.

We recommend:

Proof required for these beneficiaries

As for TSEE beneficiaries, candidates must present an invoice or receipt that proves the purchase of the gas cylinder. The document has to include the tax identification number (NIF) of the electricity holder or the beneficiary of the social benefit.

Confirmation of the applicant’s identity

The citizen card, resident or passport of the support beneficiary of the support is another mandatory requirement. Without this identification, the request may not be validated by the responsible entities.

Authorization for data consultation

Signing the declaration of acceptance of personal data processing is also necessary in this case. This procedure allows the applicant’s information to be safely verified.

Data Validation by DGEG

According to Deco Proteste, “beneficiaries should also consent to verify their personal data on the Platform of the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), so that they can be confirmed if they are beneficiaries of TSEE.”

Upon delivery of the documentation, the request will be analyzed by the competent entities. Validation of information is an essential step in ensuring that support reaches those who really need it.

Support Payment Methods

Payment of the subsidy can be made in different ways, according to the option chosen by the applicant. “The payment of the support is then made in cash, by check or bank transfer, after analysis of the documentation presented and confirmation of its eligibility,” says Deco Proteste.

Impact of increased support

Solidarity Bilhan represents significant help for many families, relieving the charges with the purchase of gas. With increasing monthly amount, more beneficiaries can be expected to feel a positive impact on your home budget.

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