Putin’s partner shows his submarine with nuclear missiles for the first time

by Andrea
Putin's partner shows his submarine with nuclear missiles for the first time

North Korea has revealed where its SSBN strategic nuclear submarine is built. This ship is capable of transporting ballistic missiles with nuclear capacity and can be immersed for long periods of time under nuclear propulsion. It is known as the “definitive nuclear weapon.”

According to the media the South Korean and American authorities have indicated that North Korea You may have received key technologies from Russia for SSBN, Including a small nuclear reactor, in exchange for the deployment of its troops in Ukraine.

According to the publication, the Central News Agency of North Korea (KCNAfor its acronym in English) and “other sources”, on Saturday reported that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un Jong Umade an orientation to naval construction projects in key shipyards.

“Press reports show images of the place where it was built and the SSBN helmet, confirming that The president had inspected the construction of the submarine of strategic guided missile of nuclear propulsion, “says the publication.

It is remarkable that it is the first time that the North Korean president shows the SSBN. He himself announced in the eighth Congress of the Workers Party in early 2021 that would build it as one of “The five key tasks for the development of National Defense.”

“The Maritime Defense Force of the Republic (RPDC) It will be exercised thoroughly in any body of water that is considered necessary, instead of restricting certain waters, “said the president. Therefore,” “He threatened that North Korea SSBN could reach the United States territorial waters to launch nuclear attacks, “ As the publication concludes.


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