Sánchez’s allies close ranks against the PP on the delegation of competencies to Catalonia | Spain

by Andrea

The PP tried on Tuesday to delve into the Delegation of Immigration Competencies to Catalonia, but the shot went for the cylinder head. The popular only got the executive base of the Executive to buried their differences and announced the vote against a proposal that pursued a pronouncement in favor of the central administration to retain the exclusive management on the matter. Moreover, the onslaught of the PP against allowed to contemplate an uncommon harmony between the two Catalan independence groups. To the point that Erc Jordi Salvador deputy came out in defense of the formation of Carles Puigdemont against the attacks of the popular: “They are a party as democratic as you.”

The peculiar initiative of the PP discussed on Tuesday in the Plenary of the Chamber consisted of a kind of preventive rejection: a non -law proposition – PNL, that is, a mere statement – to oppose a proposal of law – the agreed between PSOE and Juns – that just a few hours before had been admitted to process by the table and for whose debate there is not even a set date. The blow that the PP intended to advise the government required at least the contest of the four deputies of Podemos, which. But his deputy Javier Sánchez Serna clarified that position very soon. He clarified that they are not in favor of “neither centralization nor decentralization of competences.” What deplores Podemos is what defined as a “career to see who is more racist” between the Spanish and Catalan rights already, which, he said, “the PSOE has joined” for its agreement with Junts. Made these details, Sánchez Serna announced that they would not give satisfaction to the PP and reject the NLP when voting on Wednesday.

In addition, very critical voices have also emerged against the agreement, not so much for its content as for the preamble of the proposal, which, according to IU or Compromís leaders, buy ideas of the “right frame” on immigration. But those groups had already made it clear that they do not oppose delegating the competences in the autonomous communities “whenever human rights are respected,” as Enrique Santiago reiterated, spokesman to add in the debate.

The PP conferred relevance to the debate by putting its spokesman, Miguel Tellado. More restrained than usual, Tellado based his speech on ensuring that the State will lose control of the borders – which does not appear in the agreement – and on denouncing that “an impulse to the independence dream is being facilitated with the collaboration of the PSOE” with a measure that crossed out of unconstitutional. In the aftershocks they gave him everywhere. The signatories of the Pact – First Josep Maria Cervera, of Junts, and then the socialist José Zaragoza – reminded him that José María Aznar used in 1997 the same formula of delegation of powers of the State so that Catalonia assumed control of traffic in its territory. And from the right flank, Rocío de Meer, from Vox, dedicated all his speech, as incendiary as it usually, to attack the PP, which he considered complicit that Spanish neighborhoods have become what she usually defines as “multicultural stercolers.”

The popular had previously tried that the proposition of the law of PSOE and Juns cannot even discuss in Congress. For that, they starred in a tense discussion at the weekly meeting of the table, socialists and add their majority in this organ for something very unusual in that phase of parliamentary processes. The initiative still has no date to reach the plenary and could take a couple of months.

Faced with the argument of the unconstitutionality invoked by the PP, most of the table wields up to 40 precedents of delegations of competencies similar to other legislature. The members of the PSOE and of Sumar also reasoned that the governing body of the Chamber cannot act as a previous filter on the constitutionality of the proposals “however much the right and the PP wants to use it like this,” according to sources aware of the discussion. The table “cannot and should become a Constitutional Court Bis,” said the same sources.

One of the background managed by the table goes back to admission during the first Aznar legislature – when the PP needed the support of CiU – of the law that yielded the traffic powers to Catalonia, the result of. It was admitted to process and approved despite the fact that these powers are among the exclusive State in article 149 of the Constitution. In the following legislature, with Aznar’s absolute majority, the Mesa consented to the debate of another proposition of the law that delegated the competences to authorize the call for referendums, a matter that, according to the Constitution, can only propose the president of the Government and approve the Congress. The initiative was finally rejected.


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