The “robbery” and the three maneuvers of arrives in the report on Marcelo/Gemeas

by Andrea
The “robbery” and the three maneuvers of arrives in the report on Marcelo/Gemeas

Estela Silva / Lusa

The “robbery” and the three maneuvers of arrives in the report on Marcelo/Gemeas

Cristina Rodrigues and Pedro Pinto during the arrival convention

Preliminary report was delivered on Friday to the fourth attempt. Aguiar-White’s words, 3 minutes apart and harsh in the room.

O report with the preliminary conclusions of the Inquiry Commission to the case of twin It was delivered on Friday to the fourth attempt.

The arrival had the deadline in the previous three times but now the rapporteur, Mrs Cristina Rodrigues, even delivered the document.

The final report accuses Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of “Abuse of Power”considering your conduct “especially objectionable”.

“The conduct of the President of the Republic is especially objectionable because it is the Head of State and, as such, any request made by itself or in its name has an inherent conviction of compulsory compliance by those who receive the request, even if it is not necessarily an order, thus revealing the eventual practice of abuse of power”, reads in the document to which Lusa had access.

The report is not a party

The President of the Assembly of the Republic has pointed out on Sunday that there are still no conclusions from the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the case of Luso-Brazilian twins, stressing that the document disclosed is only a preliminary report, and criticizing “Originality” In this process.

“A rapporteur of a parliamentary commission of inquiry is a rapporteur of a parliamentary commission of inquiry, is not a political party”Commented José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, in statements to journalists in Matosinhos.

“There is no mandate of any political party to represent an inquiry committee. And therefore, what we have at the front at this time is a preliminary report of a rapporteur who was not even the object of discussion in the respective inquiry committee, ”he added.

André Ventura reacted quickly: “It’s grave When a President of the Assembly of the Republic is public to say that this report does not express the will of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI), but the will of a rapporteur or a party. It was like this in all”.

Ventura argued that in the past, preliminary conclusions were always presented by the Rapporteur Deputy, who can later be changed by the various parties: “What is different here is that involves a political guardian, and it isnot another party to do so.

“Farce, Assault”

The document was sent to journalists just 3 minutes before by Cristina Rodrigues start talking at a press conference. There was no time for prior analysis, for the preparation of questions.

In addition, the parliamentary groups of other parties had not even received The report when the deputy began to announce the conclusions.

More: in this press conference, alongside Cristina Rodrigues, was André Ventura – An apparent attempt to political use of this case (the arrival is not debuting in this respect).

On Friday, PSD and Be accused André Ventura’s party of political maneuvers.

António Rodrigues, PSD deputy, called “Farce” to this “Political Play” from the arrival.

Joana Mortágua (BE) went further. Said André Ventura and Cristina Rodrigues “took advantage of the work of this committee and a report that does not belong to them, but belongs to the discussion of the contradictory within the committee, to make a Cartured Press Conference and that does not reflect the conclusions of the Inquiry Committee ”.

The bloc deputy announced that the members of the Inquiry Commission had not even read the report: “It is an institutional robberyit is an partisan and an instrumentalization of an inquiry commission for electoral purposes. ”

BE announced that it will present a protest.

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