You can eat bars for breakfast and lose weight. The intestines will be grateful to you

by Andrea
You can eat bars for breakfast and lose weight. The intestines will be grateful to you

The first proposal is Breakfast bars with dried fruit. You need to prepare them:

  • ¼ cup chia seeds,
  • ½ cup dates,
  • ½ cup dried apricots,
  • 1 tablespoon of honey,
  • 2 cups of oatmeal

Heat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Put dates and apricots in the blender cup, blend to a smooth mass. Transfer to a bowl, add chia seeds, honey and oatmeal. Mix the whole thoroughly, form the bars and transfer to a baking paper lined with baking paper. Bake for 25 minutes, until browning.

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The second recipe is Breakfast bars with banana and nuts. You will need to prepare:

  • ⅓ glass of walnuts,
  • ⅓ glasses of raisins,
  • ¼ cup of peanut butter,
  • 1 tablespoon of honey,
  • 2 mature bananas,
  • 2 cups of oatmeal

Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Make the banana into a smooth pulp with a fork. Add peanut butter and honey. You can also blend these three ingredients in a blender. Transfer the mass to a bowl, add walnuts (you can chop them as you like), raisins and oatmeal. Form bars, put a baking tray to baking paper and bake for 20 minutes.

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Oat flakes are the main component of breakfast bars. Thanks to the high fiber content lower cholesterol, support digestion i regulate bowel function. In addition, ingredients such as chia seeds or nuts are great Source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Their supply to the body affects the work of the brain and heart. For perfect balance, it is worth adding fruit – dried or fresh – which will support the immune system. Such breakfast will also ensure a great start and energy for the whole day.

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