Tules prefer permeable, fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. If you plant them in clay soil or too compactthe roots may not receive the right amount of oxygen. On the other hand excess nitrogen fertilizersespecially used in the late months of the season, leads to damage to the roots and weakening the plant. The first thing you need to do in such a situation is to check the soil pH and possibly improve them by using acid peat or acidifying fertilizers. However, remember to avoid too frequent fertilization. In spring, use fertilizers with more nitrogen, and in summer and autumn preparations with potassium and phosphorus.
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Needle browning can be the result fungal diseases. In such cases, they usually begin to die from the inside, and browning and stains appear on the branches. The most common diseases include phythtorosis, which attacks the roots, as well as the adolescent root rot or dying of thuja shoots. Pests, such as spider mites or bowls, can also cause drying. That is why it is important to regularly observe plants and remove damaged branches. It is also worth using Protective spraying using fungicides and insecticides. Of course, follow their appropriate dosage.
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Contrary to appearances, the issue of TUI’s hydration is extremely important. All because Tile root system. For this reason, they can easily dry out, but also collect excess moisture. Remember to water them properly – both in hot weather (solid, but less often) and before winter. In extreme cases, you can cover them with agrotextile (or straw mats) for winter. The second issue is the position in which they are. They will not grow well in a shady place or exposed to strong winds. Wind is also a great threat to their drying during winter.
If we notice any signs of problems with our thules, we must act quickly. The first step should be Removal of damaged branches. It is best to cut browning and dry shoots with a sharp pruning shears. The second issue is ensuring proper watering. Although the lack of water is rarely the main cause of dancing, thuja requires regular, moderate irrigation, especially during periods of drought.
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Another issue is strengthening plants. For this purpose, it’s best to use Biostimulators and resistance strengthening preparations plants. The last step, which is also the first, is prevention. Let’s prevent problems in spring. To this end, use preparations against pests and fungal diseases to avoid infection in the season. We should also remember that dying thuja does not always mean water deficiency, and problems can be caused by other causes.