Are you sowing parsley? First, soak the seeds in it and will grow much faster

by Andrea
Are you sowing parsley? First, soak the seeds in it and will grow much faster

The taste and aroma of parsley is appreciated by a large number of people. No wonder that she is in many gardens. To grow this tasty plant on our property, we must soon sow it. However, before we get to this activity, it is worth knowing what to soak the seeds to speed up their germination. We advise how and when to sow parsley, as well as how to prepare soil and seeds.

Before starting to sow parsley, we must first take care of several issues that will make the cultivation more successful. The first thing to take care of is soil preparation. Parsley soil should be permeable and within 5.5-6.8 pH.

In addition, you should carefully choose a parsley sowing position. This plant develops best in well sunny places. Let us also note that it is a warm and shielded position from the wind. This will ensure good growth and development of parsley.

It is also a very important detail proper preparation of seeds for sowing, which will later be placed directly in the ground. We can easily improve their germination by using a certain trick. IN This is enough to soak the seeds in water 24 hours before sowing.

Another method is soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide, i.e. in popular hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutest. Thanks to this easy activity, we will remove substances that could stop germination.

After preparing the soil and seeds, we can go to parsley sowing. The date of this procedure depends on the variety and weather conditions. However, generalizing, most often parsley is sown at the end or at the beginning of April. Then the soil is already heated properly.

In addition, parsley is resistant to low temperatures, so it is ideal for early spring sowing. Some of the varieties can also be sowed in May.

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When sowing parsley into the soil, it is worth being aware that its development is also influenced by the neighboring plants. This specimen develops well in the company of some species that effectively support its growth. These include, among others, onions, garlic, tomatoes and beans. In addition, they protect parsley against pests.

It is also worth knowing, parsley. Avoid sowing next to potatoes and lettuce, because these plants could negatively affect the abundance and size of crops.


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