Dirceu gathers on the anniversary ministers of Lula and Centrão – 11/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The anniversary of () attracted this Tuesday (11) in Brasilia Government members and congressional leaders, including the president of, (-PB). The date was celebrated in a restaurant in Brasilia.

At least 11 government ministers attended the event, among them (Civil House), Fernando Haddad (Farm), (Secom), Esther Dweck (management), as well as government leaders in the Senate, (PT-BA), and in the House, José Guimarães (PT-CE). The governor of Bahia, Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT), also attended.

From the closest assistants to the President of the Republic, were also at the event his chief of staff, Marco Aurélio Santana Ribeiro, known as Marcola, and Ricardo Stuckert, secretary of audiovisual of Secom.

Appointed as one of the most powerful ministers of the Esplanade, Sidonius crossed the party space to greet Dirceu. THE Sheet He said that, every time he is invited, he will honor the petista.

The celebration also brought together names that joined the government but left it in the last two years, including former Secom Minister Paulo Pimenta and former Petrobras president Jean Paul Prates.

Centrão members, former mayor (PP-AL), the current second vice president of the House, Elmar Nascimento (União Brasil-BA), the leader of the majority in Congress, Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP-PB), and the PSD leader, Antonio Brito (BA), also went through the event.

Shortly before 10 pm, Dirceu took the stage to make a speech. At the foot of the structure was Rui Costa, who applauded excerpts from the petista’s speech.

In his speech, the former minister stated that democracy is threatened by Brazilians who “in the alliance with pockets go to the United States to preach national betrayal and the intervention of the US and Big Techs in national internal affairs.”

“When it comes to President Lula’s third government, we are talking about a government besieged by the international conjuncture, which imposes, first, the political alliance with all those who defend sovereignty, democracy and the welfare state,” he said.

At another point, he cited the governor of Sao Paulo (Republicans), saying that he is not an alternative to pockets, but “his own pockets.” He also said that it is necessary to defend the government of the petista. “We were able to get Lula out of prison and elect him president. We will be able to support the Lula administration, make this political dispute and win in 2026.”

Candidate for the presidency of the PT with the support of Dirceu, Edinho Silva circulated through the salons of the party, greeting and talking to the guests. In the conversation wheels, he said he expected the support of all members of CNB (building a new Brazil), the party’s main current, around his name, and preaching the PT unit as a whole.

In the evaluation of allies of the former minister, the event this Tuesday is considered a kind of launch of the candidacy of Dirceu to the Chamber of Deputies in 2026. He will also organize another event in São Paulo, on Saturday (15), in a shed used by the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement). The second celebration is expected to gather 800 people.

Dirceu was, in the Civil House. In early 2004, he gained a kind of “auxiliary” with the creation of the Secretariat of Political Coordination and Institutional Relations – now headed by Gleisi.

However, he was directly slaughtered about Dirceu in 2005, when the petista was accused by (PTB, today PRD) to coopt parties to support the government in exchange for monthly payments. Dirceu lost his position in the government and the mandate of federal deputy in the House.

In 2012, he was convicted by the Supreme Court (STF), having been arrested the following year. Last year, he recovered his political rights, with the annulment of sentences that had been issued under Operation Lava Jato.


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