After leaving the house of Big Brother Brazil, Thamiris participated in the BBB chat With Ceci Ribeiro and Gil do Vigor at dawn on Wednesday (12). She was the tenth eliminated from the reality show by receiving 61.7% of the votes.
An interaction between trancist and the journalist reverberated on the web. At the time, the presenters show Sister’s speech about and she tries to explain herself.
Then Thamiris turns to Ceci Ribeiro and says, “Don’t look at me with this face, no, my cat.” See the moment below.
In social networks, the attitude of the sister repercussions negatively.
Thamiris, a well of arrogance and dislike.
Should have left with over 90%
– Isabel Marra (@marra_isabel)
I found an abuse this “Don’t look at me with this guy not my cat” Thamiris doesn’t take what she says.
– Jeff Mattias (@jeffmattias)
See the moment
Thamiris explains the “strapless” she released in her room with Gracyanne
– gshow (@gshow)