Gouveia and Melo already has a brand registered for race to Belém. Advertisement only after the legislatures

by Andrea
Gouveia and Melo already has a brand registered for race to Belém. Advertisement only after the legislatures

Mário Cruz / Lusa

Gouveia and Melo already has a brand registered for race to Belém. Advertisement only after the legislatures

The Armada’s Chiefdaughter, Admiral Henrique Gouveia and Melo

A support group to Admiral has already registered the name of its candidacy movement to Belém. Official confirmation should only be made after when the new government takes office.

The former chief of staff of the Armada, Henrique Gouveia and Melo, should confirm that you are a candidate to the Presidency of the Republic shortly after the legislative elections, which will be in May.

According to information obtained by, an admiral support group recently recorded the name “Gouveia and Melo Presidente Movement”At the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), with the consent of the former military man himself, which confirms his entry into the race to Belém.

According to a source close to the process, Gouveia and Melo decided to postpone the official announcement of the candidacy to Avoid interference in the election period. The admiral is expected to formalize its intention as soon as the new government takes office, thus ensuring that the political scenario is stabilized.

The registration of the movement in the INPI is considered a significant step for the organization of the presidential campaign. The absence of opposition by Gouveia and Melo to the group that created this movement is seen as a confirmation of your involvement.

In contrast, when a group of Freemasons tried to create a similar movement, the ancient Cema manifested against and came to threaten to resort to judicial to protect your name. This time, however, the support comes from people of your trust, which demonstrates alignment with the initiative.

The polls point to Gouveia and Melo as a favorite in the presidential race. The admiral even considered announced the candidacy in March, but political instability led him to postpone the decision. With this position, it seeks to avoid any impact on the legislative process and ensure a more stable political environment before officializing its entry into the electoral dispute.

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