Ibaneis quotes Moraes, but rejects impeachment – 12/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The governor of, (), adopts caution when commenting on investigations in the (Supreme Court) on January 8. , he cites criticisms that have been made to run over in these processes, but maintains a distance from charges for measures he considers radical, such as the impeachment of ministers.

Ibaneis was removed from the position of governor for 64 days by, in 2023, on suspicion of omission in the coup attacks. No confirmation after two years of investigation, on March 5.

In an interview with Sheetthe governor attributes to friends lawyers the criticism of Moraes. It mentions statements that the minister “has run over many procedures,” but almost always tries to avoid his own judgments. Asked if he agrees with comments from those friends, he says, “At one point, yes.”

Ibaneis is between the cross and the sword. He intends to launch himself in 2026 in double with de, but does not commit to the main pocket agenda in the house: the impeachment of Moraes.

With experience of more than 30 years in law and good traffic among higher courts, Ibaneis evaluates that the agenda is ideological. “I think impeachment of the Supreme Minister is such an extreme case that only if I get in an act of corruption or something in this regard,” he says.

Minister Alexandre de Moraes decided to file the investigation against mr. In the case of January 8th. Like mr. See this decision two years after the attacks?
I took a very big fright on the 9th [de janeiro de 2023]when I dawned away. There was no request from the Public Prosecution Service, there was no evidence. The minister’s decision, at that time, had a great concern that a military coup was actually in the course. He had his concerns and understood the decision, collected myself for those 60 days and went to work with my lawyers.

I had a lot of tranquility regarding the investigation, because of the awareness that I had never practiced any act of omission.

When Paulo Gonet took over [o comando da PGR] “I have known Paulo for many years, our children have studied together,” I asked him for an audience. My lawyers went, explained everything. When Minister Alexandre sent the process to him, I was very peaceful that this filing request would come.

There is a lot of criticism of Moraes saying that he, under the justification of defending democracy, would commit abuse. Mr. Do you think your clearance comes into this context?
I have contact with the vast majority of lawyers who militate, because of my origin in order [dos Advogados do Brasil]. What we have heard from these defense lawyers, both from the people of 8 January and these cyber crimes issues, is that he has run over many procedures.

I heard from a lawyer that he is creating the same code that was created at the time of [Sergio] I live in Lava Jato. He is doing justice according to his rules. As he has a very strong support within the Federal Supreme Court, he has been able to maintain this position.

I was very following the sessions of the Federal Supreme Court, had many lawsuits in trial, and the case was a rite – as it was in the monthly, which was led by Minister Joaquim [Barbosa] And you saw all the procedural rules being fulfilled.

Mr. Do you agree with the criticism of these lawyers?
I think at a certain point, yes. I saw the example of one of these cases of January 8 in which he summons the witnesses of prosecution, but determines that the defense bring his witnesses. And this often makes it difficult to clarify. He does not subpoena the witness. This was one of the complaints I heard from the lawyers.

Former President Jair Bolsonaro is ineligible and responds to PGR’s complaint for the coup plot. Do you think it is still possible to invest in his candidacy for 2026?
I want to hear what the leaders of my party will say. I’ve heard the whale [Rossi, presidente do MDB] Speaking these days that the MDB is intended to launch a presidential candidate.

We have good pictures. Has the Helder [Barbalho, governador do Pará]who is doing an excellent job. Has Renan Filho, who is at the head of the ministry [dos Transportes]. There is Simone Tebet herself who is in government – after the government she is serving is not working.

It’s time for these center-right partisans, not only right-wing, to have a sensible discussion and choose a consensus name. It doesn’t just have to be a name. You can have the [Ronaldo] Caiado, the mouse [Júnior] You are saying that it will be a candidate, but there is at least one harmony for a second round to align everyone and take this left -wing government that is not working.

It seems that mr. Already discard the name of Bolsonaro to 2026.
I know a lot about the judiciary, I spent 30 years in law. You win in the Supreme, as I won now, but you don’t win the Supreme.

We respect the figure of Bolsonaro. The moment will come when he will try to lead this process, which will be very good, because it already brings a number of reasonable votes.

I think doing this and arranging a candidate who has a more center-right profile can benefit from him in the future, as happened with President Lula, who managed to nullify his convictions.

How would this help?
When you change the axis of politics, you end up bringing new facts, as happened in President Lula’s question. Having an interlocutor with the Federal Supreme Court itself, with the Attorney’s Office, I think there is something that can change ahead.

A amnesty of the President of the Republic regarding the penalty, for example, may happen in the future.

Mr. Do you believe in the approval of the amnesty during the Lula administration?
This project that runs in Congress, and I am now talking as a lawyer, is born unconstitutional because you cannot keep the crime in the Penal Code and extinguish punishment, the penalty itself. If there was an intermediate project that reduced the penalties, it would be more able to advance.

Such a bill, approved in the House, will hardly be sanctioned [por Lula] And he would fall into the supreme very easily.

The PL has evaluated two Senate candidates for the Federal District in 2026, Michelle Bolsonaro and Bia Kicis, for believing that mr. would not support guidelines against the Supreme Court. What are your plans for 2026?
I have been talking a lot with several party presidents, among them, with the president [do PL] Valdemar Costa Neto. I trust Valdemar a lot because he is one of the politicians who has fulfilled the most word throughout history. And what he puts on me is that they want to launch a candidate and will support us.

In the Senate, mr. Would you support these impeachment guidelines of Supreme Minister and Lava Toga CPI?
I think impeachment of the Supreme Minister is such an extreme case that only if I get in an act of corruption or something in this regard. You cannot judge the judgments. I think this question is an ideological agenda. It has to be something very serious and, with what it has today, I would not have my support.

The Lava Toga CPI, which is talked about so much, I think it would be a agenda depending on the shape of this CPI. We have scandalous cases in the judiciary and, unfortunately, need a response from the legislature as well. Not these supreme guidelines.

What cases?
You take this case that happened in Mato Grosso, recently, selling sentences. These are things that also need to be investigated with a lot of transparency, and the National Congress is the place for that. Who is there, is there to oversee too. It is not a totally absurd thing.

[Após a entrevista, a assessoria do governador procurou a reportagem para reforçar que, na visão dele, uma CPI só se justificaria caso os órgãos de controle interno e externo, como o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, não funcionassem.]

X-ray | Ibaneis Rocha, 53

He is governor of the Federal District by the MDB, in the second term. Lawyer with more than 30 years of experience, has his own office and chaired the OAB-DF (Brazilian Bar Association-Federal District Section) from 2013 to 2015. He was born in the Federal District and grew up in Piauí. It has three children.


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