During a meeting with Acre mayors at the State Public Prosecution Service (MPAC), the national corregedor of the Public Prosecution Service, Ângelo Fabiano Farias da Costa, said the number of children outside schools throughout Acre is worrying and requested measures to managers.
Corregedor said 37 public school works are paralyzed throughout Acre/Photo: Contilnet
The event, which took place hybrid, on the morning of Wednesday (11), was attended by MPAC prosecutors and representatives of state municipalities, due to the absence of some mayors.
Angelo pointed out that early childhood education has alarming data throughout the state, especially in relation to the number of children outside the school environment.
“We are working on the corrections; This is the 15th state that we are correcting in the Public Prosecution Service, Acre, and our central focus is on early childhood education, which covers children from 0 to 5 years incomplete, and this really arouses concern. The number of children aged 4 to 5, which is the phase of universalization of education, where all children in this age group should be attending school, well below the 100%target. 23% of children from 4 to 5 are not enrolled, and compared to children under 0 to 3 years, where the national goal is 50% and the average of our country is 37.3%, here in Acre the average is well below, in 19.3% ”.
“Therefore, our coming here is precisely to verify the quality and regularity of the work of prosecutors and promoters of the State of Acre, regarding early childhood education, so that these promoters can also dialogue, talk and charge from mayors and mayors of the Acrian municipalities, which are 22, the adoption of public policies that increase vacancies for children in day care and schools,” said the corregedor.
“This generates social inclusion and can often take the child’s mother from a situation of economic dependence, and protect her from domestic and family violence in some situations. It’s all interconnected. Therefore, our idea here is to talk to the mayors on this day, to show our intention, ”he added.
The corregedor also reported that more than 30% of Acre cities face queues for children’s enrollment.
“There is information here of official Inep data that 32% of Acrian municipalities reported that they have queues for children in day care centers and schools. So it is important to dialogue with the mayors so that there is, in fact, the reception of these children in early childhood education and that these queues will end. The prosecutor wants to charge somehow, but also wants to put themselves next to the manager. Today, we are attended by professionals from the National Education Defense Fund so that they can dialogue with the mayors and ask questions about works of basic education that are paralyzed, ”he added.
Currently, 37 public school works are paralyzed throughout Acre and need to be completed. Only 22 are able to resume.
If they do not comply with the MPAC request, managers may be judicially penalized, but according to the corregedor, it takes time and is not the intention of the agency.
“Yes, judicial penalty may occur, but that is not the intention and there is a whole process for this to happen. What we want here is to guide the promoters and mayors to ensure the continuity of these works and offer vacancies in schools for our children, as the numbers are still worrying, ”he concluded.