Company gives almost an extra week of vacation for the working time that some of its employees did not waste on pauses to smoke.
To its non -smoking employees, Piala Inc. chose to give an example and give them Six days of extra vacation per yearas compensation for the time they save the company for not taking breaks to smoke.
The initiative of the marketing company based in Tokyo stands out for not punishing smokers, but for rewarding non-smokers, serving as an incentive and not as a penalty, in a country where 16% of the population smokesaccording to an inquiry carried out in November 2023, quoted by. In 2021 alone, smoking was responsible for more than 142,000 deaths, about 24% of the total deaths.
Takao Asuka, executive director of the company – who, in 2017, had about 35% of smoking employees – implemented the news after receiving complaints from their non -smoking employees.
“Why are they, smoking, are entitled to 15 -minute breaks because of an addiction?” Protesta some workers. In a few months, four employees dropped cigarette addiction thanks to the measure.