Gamarra accuses the PSOE of “disconnecting Catalonia” from Spain with assignments and Montero presumes to practice normalization
The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has accused the PSOE on Wednesday of being “disconnected to Catalonia” of Spain with its “assignments” to independence, but the first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has said that it is not assignments but of “dialogue” and has stressed that the Executive practices the “normalization”.
“Until now it had been the separatist matches, those who had always tried, always without success, disconnect to Catalonia from Spain. With Sanchez it is the government, it is the PSOE who is disconnecting Catalonia from the rest of Spain assignment after assignment. In short, the State model and the Constitution are changing for the back door, ”Gamarra has Venerate to Montero in the control session.
The PP leader has stressed that the recent covenant between PSOE and Juns is the assignment of “border control, foreigners and immigration.” In his opinion, the Government of Pedro Sánchez is “raising borders where there had never been”, within Spain. “You are the Trojan of separatism in the state apparatus,” he proclaimed.
In his response, Montero has remembered number two of the PP that reaching agreements is not to give in, but is the “essence” of politics and democracy and that speaking of “concessions” should be remembered the Majestic pact that José María Aznar signed with the CiU that Jordi Pujol then directed. “They took the Civil Guard from the Catalan roads, ceded 30% of the IRPF, eliminated military service, yielded the ports, the civil governors eliminated,” he said, to add that now the Sánchez government “practices normalization” and “coexistence.” (EP)