Moraes argues to “interpret” current laws to punish crimes on social networks

by Andrea

The minister Alexandre de Moraesfrom the Federal Supreme Court (STF), defended on Tuesday (11) that current laws are “interpreted”, aiming punish crimes committed in social networks or generated by artificial intelligence.

The statements were made during an MBA inaugural class in defense of democracy and digital communication at FGV Brasília.

“That’s why courses like these are important. To make people aware of legal operators so that we can use the current legislation to curb. If a new legislation comes, great. But if it does not come, we will not live a moment of anomie. Just a simple interpretation. Is it a means of communication? AND”.

“Just interpret. Law is interpretation, ”concluded the minister.

Moraes, who lives a He stated that the big techs have a colonialist mentality.

“We cannot deceive ourselves. Big Techs are today what the Eastern Indian Company were in 1600. Companies that want to profit and send. Who do not want to be held responsible. The mindset of the big techs returned to mercantilism and colonialism”Said the minister.


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