The Planalto Palace plans, for the first week of April, an event that intends mark a turn in the Lula administration and curb the fall of popularity of the current management.
The idea is to make a re -presentation of measures adopted in the first two years of office and increase the knowledge of the population.
As has already shown the CNN… The hammer over the new identity is not yet beaten.
Since taking over in January as chief minister of the Presidential Secretariat of Social Communication (Secom), publicist Sidônio Palmeira has devoted himself to diagnosing the problems faced by the government. He came to the conclusion that “much was done” by the government, but is little perceived by the population.
The treatment recommended by the minister is precisely to re -present the programs in a simple, direct language that translates the impact of programs on the population.
For example, translate in images the numbers of programs like o.
The government should show that total services is surpassed by the population only of two Brazilian capitals, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
The communication strategy is guided by ideas that the “Brazil is turning the page” and that is “A country of prosperity”.
Food inflation and cost of living has sponsored the fall of the government’s approved approved. President Lula faces his slightest approval in his three terms.
. For 50.85% of respondents, the government is bad/bad, while 37.6% find it great/good.