Potatoes This is one of the most popular vegetables used in Polish cuisine. The ones in the cooked version are the basis of various types noodles or puréealso taste great with dill, as an addition to meats, fried eggs or fish. Unfortunately, their preparation takes some time, so that hunger waiting for dinner can be impatient. Therefore, How to quickly cook potatoes? We suggest.
Until recently, there was a mistaken belief that potatoes They are fattening and better avoid them. Currently, dietitians ensure that Cooked potatoes, consumed in reasonable quantities, are also great on a slimming diet. They have a high satiety indexso after eating them, you will not feel hungry for a long time, in addition, in 100 g of cooked potatoes there is only about 66 kcal.
There are also a lot of vitamins and minerals in potatoes, including: B vitamins and potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese and iodine. He is also present in them fiberwhich greatly affects digestion, regulates intestinal work, provides satiety, and also regulates sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, present in potatoes Potassium, helps reduce too high blood pressure. Few people know that they also contain a lot Vitamin C, which supports the body’s immunity.
Potato glycemic index 73which means it is quite high. It is worth remembering that in order to level the overall glycemic load of a meal, boiled potatoes should be served with protein -containing products, e.g. chicken breast, or fried eggs, and healthy fats, e.g. olive oil poured with olive oil. You can lower the glycemic potato index by putting the cooked potatoes in the fridge, this will cause resistant starch, so I will not increase the sugar level so violently.
How to speed up the cooking of potatoes? The easiest way is cutting them into smaller partsthis will work in particular if we need them for soup, noodles or purée. It is also worth cook them under the lid.
You can also throw potatoes directly into boiling water, Instead of cooking in cold water, as you usually do. Interestingly, in this way potatoes will keep more vitamins and minerals.
The method used by clever housewives is Adding a teaspoon of butter to boiling potatoes. This trick not only accelerates cooking, but also enriches the taste of potatoes.
Sources: Terazpoczy.pl