PT speaks of crisis with STF to avoid Eduardo in committee – 12/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

Parliamentarians from speaking in noise in Brazil’s diplomatic relations, including the (Supreme Court) itself, to try to avoid the choice of deputy () to chair the House Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission.

Petist deputies son of (pl) sanctions against Minister Alexandre de Moraes to justify this thesis. Among them, there is hope of sensitizing the summit of the house or leaders of the centron against this possibility.

But the mayor, Hugo Motta (-PB), denies that there is a crisis with the Supreme because of the nomination and says there is no way to intervene.

“I do not believe it is a crisis, because this distribution by the parties, the commissions, is something that is already known to everyone, is a regimental usual, there is not much to do. Because this is due to the size of each bench, there is no news about it,” he said.

According to Motta, “there is no way to interfere”. “We will comply with regimentally what has to be fulfilled, always trying, in the most harmonious way possible, to make parties converge and choose the commissions in the best way,” he added.

The statement was given to journalists on Tuesday night (11), when arriving at the house of the Minister of Institutional Relations, (PT). Motta participates in dinner of the new head of the government’s political articulation with leaders of the centrão.

PL parliamentarians say there is no possibility that the party does not indicate Eduardo to command the commission. Bolsonaro himself would have requested his son to appoint.

In the House and Senate, as a rule, with the largest parties having the preference in choosing the collegiate. As the PL is the largest acronym in the house (with 92 deputies), it will be up to the caption to make the first requests.

Eduardo is the current party and maintains a relationship with names from the world right, especially allies of US presidents, and Argentina ,.

There is an assessment between petistas that Eduardo’s performance in the commission may cause headaches to the government (PT), especially with the election of Trump in the US and Brazil hosting the (UN climate change conference).

In addition, they consider that the parliamentarian will use the presidency of the committee to rise work in the House at a time when the former president is tried by the Supreme Court.

PT leader, Lindbergh Farias (RJ), said on Tuesday that Eduardo’s choice would represent a “attack on Brazilian institutions” and “almost a provocation” to the STF.

“He in the presidency is to reinforce the articulation of embarrassment of the Supreme Court, especially Minister Alexandre de Moraes. If the House enters this, he is buying a great institutional fight in Brazil and increasing international conflicts,” he said.

The theme was discussed at a meeting at the House’s official residence, with leaders of the biggest benches. According to reports, Lindbergh used the crisis argument with the Supreme Court and the United States and made appeals to the party to indicate another name for the post.

The hope of left parliamentarians is to intercede by the PL to avoid noise with magistrates. But an ally from Paraíba says it considers this possibility remote, since the decision is up to the party and it is necessary to respect party autonomies.

Four home leaders heard by the report reinforce this assessment. They say there are caveats to the name of the pocketist, but that fit the parties to indicate their members, without interference from other acronyms.

The leader of, Talíria Petrone (RJ), stated that there is a “majority feeling that the figure of Eduardo does not help consensure the house.”

“Even though [o comando da comissão] Stay with the PL, there is a joint job to get another party name. This is something that is being dialogued with President Hugo Motta. There is a dialogue effort, “said the psoilist.

A Centrão Cardinal acknowledges that Eduardo’s nomination will be able to create noise with the Supreme, precisely at a time when there is a disorder of the relationship between legislative and judiciary with the agreement on parliamentary amendments.

He minimizes, however, the impact of the committee’s work with the deputy in the presidency of the board. It states that there is little concrete effect on the measures that can be taken there and that the space will be used to wave to the pockets.

Also on Tuesday, the government leader in the House, José Guimarães (PT-CE), said that the executive does not interfere with the composition of the commissions. “The government does not get into commission composition, it is the task of the benches. The government follows, but it is the party leaders [que resolvem]”.

The PT even triggered the STF asking for the seizure of Eduardo’s passport, alleging crimes against the sovereignty committed by the parliamentarian in his journey.

Bolsonarists mobilized on social networks against the measure, alleging political persecution to the deputy, with the objective of hindering his ascension to the Foreign Relations Commission.

In January, assistants of Minister Mauro Vieira (Foreign Relations) sought members of the Planalto to measure the impact and to think about whether there is any way to prevent Eduardo’s possible indication, given the assessment that the deputy is articulating himself with the Trumpist right in what they call “defamatory campaign” against Brazilian democracy.


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