What to use to clean kitchen cabinets? Not only dust and grease is settled on them, but also cooking fumes, so if you do not regularly wipe them, they start to stick quickly. Fortunately, there is a way to put them in order.
What is the best way to clean kitchen cabinets? Unfortunately, it is quite laborious and lengthy work and fluids purchased in the store cost quite a lot and do not always work. If you want to clean the cabinets without scrubbing, try this home method and the sticky dirt will no longer be a problem.
How to clean kitchen cabinets? You won’t find a better way
- Empty their contents before wipeing the kitchen cabinets.
- The most important rule is to clean them from top to bottom so that the dust from above does not reach the cleaned surfaces.
How do you make a home cleaning mixture? It turns out that its preparation is trivial.
You can make the liquid from the products you have at home.
- Prepare a bowl of warm water, add a pack of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice and mix.
- Use a sponge soaked in the solution to wipe the cabinet, while not missing one object, and then wipe them in a dry cloth or paper towel.
Baking soda perfectly dissolves dirt and even dried grease.
Home cleaner kitchen cabinets. Removing fatty spots has never been easier
If you don’t have soda at hand, use other home methods. They are cheap and as effective as finished products from the store.
- Vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture will act as a degreasing and disinfectant.
- Warm water with dishwashing means. Only five drops of liquid per liter of water will get rid of the durable dirt and dust.
Flies already appear in dwellings. This is a way to repeat them effectively