Moderator Samuel Procházka, known from Radio Europe 2, together with his beautiful wife Vika and son Teom enjoyed a holiday in Dubai. But the feelings of joy quickly replaced fear. They welcomed an adorable boy in the world on 5 May 2024 and initially had a difficult time.
The birth lasted 13 hours and as Samuel revealed on the social network, Vika reached to the bottom of the forces. Shortly after birth, Tea was transferred to the ICU due to a strong jaundice with which a non -specific infection went hand in hand. Fortunately, everything has been fine since then. Their fans often write how smiling Tausko is and that they may not even worry about it. But Vika revealed on the social network that it was not as pink as it may seem.
“These four days were some of the hardest. Looking at this photo, you may say,” He’s still laughing. ” But the truth is that TEUŠKO smiled for the first time in a long time – although just for a moment, it was like the sun after a storm. The last days were full of fever, crying, rejection of food and drink. He was malaise and exhausted and I was with him, “she admitted difficult moments.
“The second time in my life, I felt like I wanted to close my room, scream into a pillow and cry from helplessness. Because if your child is suffering and you can’t help him, it’s the worst feeling in the world. One can have XY money in his account, he can afford expensive handbags, jewelry, but when a disease comes, none of it helps, “she wrote heartbreaking words.
The boy feels better after a few days and Vika finally finally relieved. “Suddenly you realize that the most valuable thing we have is the health and smile of those we love. And today I appreciated his smile more than anything in the world,” She added and thanked her husband Samuel for having him.