“We tried everything”, “shame” and “maneuver to Socrates”. Parties react to the fall of the government

by Andrea
“We tried everything”, “shame” and “maneuver to Socrates”. Parties react to the fall of the government

José Sena Goulão / Lusa

“We tried everything”, “shame” and “maneuver to Socrates”. Parties react to the fall of the government

Montenegro to speak to journalists after the fall of the government

The guilty exchanges continued when party leaders spoke to journalists after lead to the government’s confidence motion.

In the reaction to the lead of the motion of trust and the fall of the government, the prime minister today accused the intransigence PS and argued that the government “tried everything until the last minute”To reconcile the request for the Socialist Inquiry Committee and the continuation of the Executive in functions.

Luís Montenegro stressed that the government’s final proposal pointed to the end of May as a deadline for the findings of the inquiry, “almost 80 days”And the withdrawal of the motion of trust, against the 90 days proposed by the PS, but with a committee yet to start and whose deadline could be prolonged.

“O PS remained uncompromising In his proposal to have a prolonged inquiry committee in time, thereby wanting political degradation and all the impasse generated around the contamination of governance work could be as long as possible, ”he said.

Montenegro was questioned several times, because it left this attempt to dialogue with the PS today, having eventually answered that “this was the moment where everyone had the opportunity to assume your responsibility”.

“We tried, at all costs, until the last minute, to avoid the creation of early elections on the horizon of the Portuguese and the country’s life. The PS wants the situation of impasse and suspicion to extend, ”he said.

“A shame”

Already the leader of the Socialist Party, Pedro Nuno Santos, had a very different opinion. “What happened today was a shame,” he said, remembering that “what was under discussion was a motion of trust and not a CPI.”

Pedro Nuno Santos also accuses the government of trying to use the motion of trust as a currency of exchange to condition the determination of the truth And it remembers the initial proposal of “arrangement” between PS and PSD to consult documents at the closed door.

“We proposed a deadline below what is normal“The socialist pointed out, who stresses that the commission can be prolonged as new questions arise in the investigation and that the government cannot determine a deadline for the conclusion. “This is only done when one wants to escape the truth. The truth has no time, ”he accused.

“It’s unseemly, it’s unacceptable and you can only have a no. It was not beautiful what themselves watched here, ”repeated the secretary general of the PS.

“Push Game” and “Lengalenga Bonita”

On the free side, Rui Tavares refused “to do the obituary of what happened this afternoon, the Portuguese saw”. “This government conversation that no one realizes how it has come to elections has to end and it has to end. It’s a very beautiful lengalengaBut let’s not make people dizzy, ”he says, remembering that“ it is not true ”that the executive did everything to avoid elections, because Montenegro could have previously resolved the conflict raised by his family business.

The Communist Secretary-General also lamented the “authentic push gameAnd to a “attempt to pass responsibilities from one to each other” to which he was attended in Parliament. “We don’t need tricks or maneuvers, we need to answer to people,” says Paulo Raimundo.

“The prime minister cannot receive borders through a company that is his as he is a prime minister. And the Spinumviva company was from the Prime Minister because the business of selling his participation is not legally valid, ”says Mariana Mortágua. The blocked leader says that Montenegro “cannot hide information” and “cannot continue to be Prime Minister”.

André Ventura believes that the proposal government to reduce the CPI deadline shows that “it has something to hide.” “What happened today in Parliament was a maneuver that José Sócrates would find it graceI would find it well and that would certainly do, but it had an advantage. The advantage is that it has been in the sight of the country that Montenegro has something to hide, ”says the arrival leader.

Pan’s unique deputy, Inês Sousa Real, also considered “unfortunate that the Prime Minister dragged the country for this political crisis”And lamented that during today’s debate,“ the greatest parties ”were not“ able to dialogue ”and the government did not remove the motion of trust

Marcelo receives parties tomorrow

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, summoned parties for auditions at the Belém Palace on Wednesday, and the State Council for the following day, following the fall of the PSD/CDS-PP government.

According to a note published on the official page of the Presidency of the Republic, following the rejection of the motion of confidence to the government led by Luís Montenegro, and its consequent dismissal, “the President of the Republic decided summon the political parties with parliamentary representation ”for auditions on Wednesday.

Thus, the PSD will be received at 11 am, the PS at 12h, arrives at 13h, the liberal initiative at 14h, the left block at 15h, the PCP at 16h, the free at 17h, the CDS at 18h and the Pan at 19h.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also summoned a State Council Meeting For 15:00 on Thursday, the note adds.

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