An earthquake of magnitude 4.4 shakes Naples and causes panic among the population

by Andrea
El Periódico

An earthquake of Magnitude 4.4, One of the strongest recorded so far in the region, shook the periphery of the Italian city last night Napleswith epicenter in the volcanic boiler of the FLÉGRE FIELDScausing panic among the population, although it did not cause important damage.

The epicenter of the earthquake occurred between the localities Bagnoli y Pozzuoli at 1.25 hours in the morning (00.25 GMT) at a depth of 2 kilometers. After the tremor, many people from Naples and nearby towns They left their homes as a precautionary measure and took to the streets.

The only one significant damage reported was in Pozzuoliwhere firefighters intervened after the roof of a house collapsed and rescued A personwhich turned out slightly injured.

In Bagnoliseveral helmet from different homes fell to the street on parked cars, although without causing injuries. Besides, Some people were trapped In a house after the earthquake blocks the entrance doors. While some residents of the lower floors managed to go out through the windows, the others had to be rescued by firefighters.

Closed schools as caution

This Thursday schools in the area will remain closed To evaluate possible Structural damage. The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredisigned an ordinance to close the schools of the tenth municipality of Bagnoli-Fuorigrotta.

“They are very activity hours. We are controlling the entire territory, but for now there are no serious problems in Pozzuoli. The tremor was very strong. We immediately launched all the activities and condition the waiting areas and also the center of Monterusciello, where they can stay if they do not want to stay at home, “said the mayor of Pozzuoli, Luigi Manzoni To the 24 Hours of Public Television Channel Rai, Rainews.

They are also taking place Regional railway traffic problems And the Villa Literno-Naples San Giovanni Barra remains suspended, while there are delays in the Naples-Salerno and Naples-Roma lines to perform technical verifications after the seismic event.

Los FLÉGRE FIELDS They are one volcanic area where they are frequently registered earthquakes due to a phenomenon called ‘bradyseism’which increases soil level depending on gas and magma accumulated in the depths. On May 20, 2024 there was also an earthquake of magnitude 4.4, the strongest in the last 40 years, next to the one that occurred this Thursday.


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