Movie, released on January 9, 2025, became the eighth largest box office of Brazilian cinema in 2025
The long Chico Bento and the Wonder Guava reached the mark of 1 million viewers after two months of screening in Brazil. The film, released on January 9, 2025, became the eighth largest box office of Brazilian cinema in 2025. The data is from film B Box Office.
Directed by Fernando Fraiha, the work adapts one of Mauricio de Sousa’s most popular creations for the big screen. In the plot, Chico Bento (Isaac Peanut) and his friends seek to save a guava that will be destroyed to build a road in the region.
In addition to the success at the box office, the Brazilian feature also reached important marks on social networks. At Letterboxd, the film became the highest rated national children’s live action in the history of the platform.
See the trailer:
Posted by Luisa Cardoso
*With information from Estadão Content