The corregedor of (National Council of Justice), Minister Mauro Campbell, suspended for the use of the judges of the Court of Maranhão.
The model was launched by less than six months ago and is considered the brand.
“I determine that the Maranhão Court of Justice clarifies the technical need for the purchase of these equipment within 5 days. And, even before information provided, I decide to suspend the purchase notice,” said Campbell.
The purchase for the TJ-MA, according to the bidding notice, should cost a maximum of R $ 573,399.50 (R $ 11,467.99 per device).
According to the announcement, the purchase of smartphones “aims to meet the needs of easy communication of the judges, using corporate mobile lines, as well as enable them quickly access to the internet as a source of information and work instrument, considering that smartphones are currently configured as true computers.”
The Maranhão TJ has 35 judges, but as justified in the notice, 50 would be purchased for “replacement of damaged equipment” or “any expansions or new appointments”.
In a statement after the case reverberated in the press, the TJ-MA said the purchase would not be immediate and that the choice of the smartphone model “was based on technical criteria that guarantee the continuity and standardization of the judiciary’s technological infrastructure.”
He also said that “the provision of acquisition of devices is not configured for personal benefit, but an advanced work tool, essential for service needs within the judiciary.”
Campbell, in his decision, stated that “the explanations contained in the note issued by the TJ-MA do not justify the acquisition of cell phones, not even the acquisition in a number of judges (as it seemed to be the intention of the contract)”.
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