Dispute for commissions in the chamber acirra clash between PT and PL in the house

by Andrea

The dispute for the command of the thematic committees of the House of Representatives moves the biggest parties in the house and has generated impasse in negotiations involving the most important collegiate.

The president of the house, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), will meet with the leaders on Thursday, 13, to define the division according to the size of the benches. The Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) and National Defense (Creden) are among the most disputed by parliamentarians.

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A drawing made by the former president of House Arthur Lira (PP-AL) established that the CCJ, in 2025, should be under the command of União Brasil or MDB. In 2023, the board was chaired by Rui Falcão (SP), from PT, and last year by Caroline de Toni (SC), from PL.

The MDB, however, gave up the CCJ to keep the 2026 budget rapporteur. The rapporteur of the play will be responsible for defining the chords of the Electoral Fund for the 2026 campaign. The President of the Joint Budget Commission (CMO), in turn, must be Senate and PL. The expectation in Congress is that the name indicated is that of Senator Wilder Morais (GO).

PL and PP, however, entered the dispute for the CCJ, wanting to break the agreement made by the former mayor. Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL )’s party intends to maintain control of the board for having the largest bench in the house, with 92 deputies. The PP, in turn, wants to avoid ostracism after Lira’s departure from the presidency.

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(SP), son of the former president, in the Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission. As showed the Estadãothe PL leader in the house, Sostenes Cavalcante (RJ), announced the indication of the parliamentarian, but the PT reported that it will oppose the name of Eduardo.

On Monday, PT leader in the House, Lindbergh Farias (RJ) said the party will “resist all the way” to Bolsonaro’s son’s nomination. The reason for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s party complaint is on recent trips made by Eduardo to the United States, where he met with allies of US President Donald Trump and presented accusations against Supreme Court Minister Alexandre de Moraes, and.

“It is unacceptable that he (Eduardo Bolsonaro) uses the Brazilian Parliament to continue his attentive campaign against Brazilian justice and national interests. We will resist in every way to the indication. What he has been doing is a crime of hard-to-man, it is betrayal, ”said Lindbergh Farias.

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The petista even asked the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) to seize Eduardo’s passport and an investigation into possible crimes committed by the deputy. Lindbergh also stated that the PT will only accept the PL deputy in the presidency of the commission if he is without the passport.

‘Plano B’

The PL works with a “plan B” if Eduardo’s nomination does not resist the pressure of the ruling base. If this happens, the party should indicate Deputy Luiz Philippe of Orleans and Bragança (SP), a parliamentarian known for being a tetraneto of d. Pedro II (1825-1891), last emperor of Brazil.

Prior to a dinner with the new minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (SRI), Gleisi Hoffmann, the day before yesterday, Motta stated that it is not able to prevent Eduardo’s nomination, as it is usual that the largest party has preference in noting the names.

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The mayor also said that he does not believe in an institutional crisis with the Supreme with the nomination of Bolsonaro’s son for the board.

The PL also fights with the PT for the command of the Health Commission, which is currently chaired by Dr. Francisco (PT-PI). The reason for the greed by the collegiate is in parliamentary amendments, since in 2024 he had a slice of $ 4.5 billion from the budget.

The PT, which has the second largest bench in the Chamber, with 80 deputies in the Brazil Federation of Hope -with the PV and PCdoB -prioritizes the control of the Education Commission if it loses health to the PL. Another strategy is to win the Inspection and Control Commission (CFFC).

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União Brasil and Republicans are also keeping an eye on the supervisory and control collegiate, which must have the last -minute command.

Republicans, Hugo Motta’s party, also wants to keep the commissions he currently controls: communication and road and transport. União Brasil aims for the command of Minas and Energy.

The party will have to play with the PSD, which covets the chair. The party, led by Antonio Brito (BA), even indicated the name of Diego Andrade (PSD-MG) to Minas and Energy. The acronym also aims for the Tourism Commission and presented the name of Laura Carneiro (RJ).

Who has also advanced the name of a president was the PDT, which should indicate Leo Prates (BA). The party, however, still does not know which collegiate should command and will have a definition in the coming days. PSOL’s leader, Talíria Petrone (RJ), said the party must have the presidency of participatory legislation committees and the original and traditional peoples.

By X (former Twitter), Motta said on Monday that he would spend the week “in dialogue with the parties” to compose and install the permanent committees.

The information is from the newspaper The State of S. Paulo.

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