Deputies of, and PL reject support a name of the vacancy of Minister of the Federal Court of Audit (Court of Auditors) that will be opened with the retirement of Minister Aroldo Cedraz and threaten imploding the agreement negotiated by the president of, (-PB), with the government at the time of his election.
The vacancy will only open in February 2026, but the dispute was anticipated by the PT’s request last year and now there is a reaction from the other parties, who seek to take advantage of the malaise with the executive in Congress to claim the position.
Motta has promised the petistas to help elect someone from the party for the function, who is lifetime and has a salary of $ 41.8 thousand per month and power to decide on government contracts and bids. In return, the PT and the Government did not encourage alternative candidacies to the presidency of the House and the parliamentary, which made the leaders of União Brasil and PSD to give up the dispute.
The TCU was signed by Motta and former Mayor Arthur Lira (PP-AL) and reinforced at recent meetings with deputies. Their request was that the PT would choose a moderate, other than the most ideological wing, to facilitate approval by the plenary, as most deputies are center right or right.
The promise is also that the PT will return the favor later and vote for a candidate chosen by them for another vacancy, which will be opened with the retirement of Minister Augusto Nardes. It will only come out in October 2027, when it will turn 75, but there are negotiations to anticipate the departure or even for the election of the substitute to occur well before the end of the mandate.
Parliamentarians from other parties, however, claim not to have been part of the deal and work behind the scenes. There are at least six other deputies seeking support to dispute the election for the Court of Auditors.
The choice is by secret vote, in the House Plenary, and in a single shift, which makes control over the result difficult. The elected must be endorsed by the Senate.
“There is no such agreement. And even if you have agreement at the camera summit, the PSD bench does not vote for the PT candidate,” he told the Sheet Deputy Sidney Leite (PSD-AM).
The reason, said Leite, is the dissatisfaction of the PSD with the lack of support of the petistas to the candidacy of the acronym leader in the House, Deputy Antonio Brito (PSD-BA), to the presidency of the house. In addition, the PT took Brito and part of the party’s deputies to a “sabbath” even with the decision to endorse Motta’s candidacy. “You don’t do this with an ally,” he criticized.
Two of those interested in the vacancy are from PSD-RJ, the deputies Pedro Paulo and Hugo Leal. The caption tries to agree to choose the name that will represent it in the election. “Let’s dialogue with the other parties and make an internal discussion, but the PSD will surely have a candidate,” Leal said.
Pedro Paulo said he was encouraged by the bench to compete and evaluates the possibility.
“The first aspect is political: there is no commitment to support PT’s candidacy for TCU. The second is that the party has positions on the economic agenda, the tax agenda, the public account agenda, which have been markedly different from what the PT’s fiscal agenda has been,” he said.
Other deputies who are moving behind the scenes for the vacancy, according to interlocutors, are Danilo Forte (União Brasil-CE), Elmar Nascimento (União Brasil-BA), Soraya Santos (PL-RJ) and Hélio Lopes (PL-RJ).
Elmar wanted to run for the presidency of the House, but gave up after losing the support of Lira to Motta and not being able to unify the government around his candidacy.
HAS Sheet He did not rule out running for a place in TCU, but said he will decide on this “at the right time” because the election “involves a series of other factors” and recalled that there will be two vacancies in dispute.
One of those interested in the vacancy was the president of the PT, Deputy (PR), who on Monday (10) assumed the position of minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, responsible for the political articulation of the government.
Centrão deputies had already recommended that it retreated from the claim to the Court of Accounts because it is very ideologically identified with the left and would have resistance in the plenary.
The favorite today in the PT to compete for the Chair in TCU is Deputy Odair Cunha (MG), former party leader in the House and the group considered most moderate.
Cunha sealed the alliance with Motta and participated in trips and events alongside him in the campaign, so as to strengthen his name. Sought, declined to comment on the loose candidates and said the election is far away.
The risk for petistas is to repeat the result of the two vacancies opened in the first Lula government that were nominated by the House. In 2005, Augusto Nardes (then at PP-RS) beat Deputy José Pimentel (PT-CE) by 203 votes to 137. In 2006, Aroldo Cedraz, then at PFL, received 172 votes, against 148 by Paulo Delgado (PT-MG).
To prevent defeats from repeating, petistas expect Motta and Lira to comply with the deal and act to discourage candidates from other parties. One of the possibilities discussed is to anticipate the election for 2025, with the objective of removing the dispute of the polarization of the national election.
The mayor was sought by Sheet To address the theme, but did not comment.