Force Union leaders threaten to leave solidarity – 12/03/2025 – Panel

by Andrea

Force union leaders threaten to leave after the party president, Paulinho da Força, against the government () and to say that he wants to follow an independent path to the petista, including the 2026 elections.

Recently, Paulinho started posting videos in which. On February 8, he spoke about the increase in food price and said that the petista should fire the minister (farm) to improve the situation.

He also commented on the health and said that Lula was promoting his most incompetent minister. On March 8, International Women’s Day, said the president had rooted macho culture.

The attacks caused great discomfort among the leaders, reports one of them to the panel. According to him, the discomfort is greater because Paulinho uses the trade union in his political name, which makes all lines associated with strength, not with the party.

Central members claim to have criticism of the Lula administration, but disagree with the way Paulinho has exposed dissatisfaction. An internal joke that has been circulating is that the president seems to adopt an argument of opponents such as Aécio Neves, from PSDB, and Ciro Nogueira, from the PP, as if it were a “rental mouth”.

Solidarity, a party that also has PSD conversations about a merger.

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